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Namesto tega išči:

News Carnival processions across the country

10. 2. 2024The carnival festivities will culminate tomorrow in Cerknica, Cerkno, and Ptuj.


News Cave rescue operation ends with success

8. 1. 2024Due to rising water levels the family of three and two guides were trapped around 2.4 kilometres from the cave entrance.


News Cave explorer safely rescued

17. 4. 2023A cave explorer that was badly injured by falling rocks while exploring a cave in southwestern Slovenia was safely rescued from the cave and was reportedly taken to Ljubljana UKC hospital by helicopter for further treatment.


News Ongoing rescuing after cave accident

16. 4. 2023An ongoing rescue operation could be finished in a couple of hours.


News Höhepunkt des Karnevals in Ptuj und Cerknica

19. 2. 2023In zahlreichen Faschingszentren finden am heutigen Faschingssonntag Karnevalsumzüge und Veranstaltungen statt. Auf den Straßen von Ptuj haben sich beim größten internationalen Maskenumzug mehr als zehntausend Besucher versammelt.


Radio Si Pustovanje v Cerknici

7. 2. 2018Pred nami so pustne norčije in povorke vas v teh dneh čakajo pravzaprav povsod. A mi bomo danes zavili na Notranjsko, kjer je doma pustna povorka z eno najdaljših tradicij na Slovenskem, v Cerknico!

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