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Don't miss Pod pritiski ne bomo klonili

28. 10. 2020Na slovensko javnost se kot uredniki večjih slovenskih medijev obračamo s pismom, ker se zavedamo pomembnosti in kritičnosti trenutka, v katerem smo se znašli zaradi pandemije novega koronavirusa.


Don't miss Highlights of the week 9.5.2020

8. 5. 2020In this week’s edition of Highlights of the week we once again offer you a quick review of major events that happened in Slovenia and abroad.


Come Away With Me Come away with me...to Albania

14. 3. 2016The show is hosting His Excellency Mr Pëllumb Qazimi, Ambassador of Albania to Slovenia.


Come Away With Me Come away with me...to Croatia

22. 6. 2014In this show, we're visiting our neighbouring country, Croatia, the youngest EU member.

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