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Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/GreenDeal: Leteti zeleno

1. 7. 2022EU si je zastavila izjemno ambiciozen cilj: do leta 2050 postati prva ogljično nevtralna celina na svetu. Še prej pa želi, do leta 2030, zmanjšati izpuste toplogrednih plinov za 55% v primerjavi z izhodiščnim letom 1990. Ji bo uspelo?


Euranet Plus Slovenija je s satelitoma našla svoj prostor v vesolju

19. 9. 2020Izstrelitev slovenskih satelitov predstavlja na področju znanosti in raziskav izjemen uspeh in dosežek.


On this day 29 June

27. 6. 2018In 1793, the Czech technician Josef Ressel, who patented the ship propeller, is born. In 1883, the Italian politician, head of the fascist party and dictator Benito Mussolini is born.


On this day 20 May

18. 5. 2018In 1506 the Italian-Spanish seafarer Christopher Columbus dies. In 1609 the London publisher Thomas Thorpe published the first of William Shakespeare’s sonnets.


On this day 28 April

25. 4. 2018In 1789 the famous mutiny on the ship Bounty takes place. The mutineers set the captain afloat in a small boat with eighteen of the twenty-two crew loyal to him.


On this day 2 March

27. 2. 2018In 1791 the first traffic lights are erected in Paris. In 1796 Napoleon Bonaparte is named Commander of the French army in Italy.


On this day 6 December

1. 12. 2017Today is St. Nicholas Day, which is the common name for the historical figure of Saint Nicholas of Myra.


On this day 3 October

2. 10. 2017In 1226, the Italian Saint Francis of Assisi dies. In 1929, the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is renamed Yugoslavia.


On this day 8 August

7. 8. 2017In 1786, Jacques Balmat and Michel-Gabriel Paccard are the first to climb Mont Blanc. In 1921, the American swimmer and actress Esther Jane Williams is born.


On this day 29 June

30. 5. 2017In 1793, the Czech technician Josef Ressel, who patented the ship propeller, is born. In 1883, the Italian politician, head of the fascist party and dictator Benito Mussolini is born.

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