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EU minuta Danes je Primorsko začelo preletavati letalo air tractor

15. 7. 2024

Najaktulnejša izjava dneva, ki bo na takšen ali drugačen način vplivala na življenje ...

EU minuta EU MINUTA, 23.1. AfD za referendum o izstopu Nemčije iz EU

23. 1. 2024

Najaktulnejša izjava dneva, ki bo na takšen ali drugačen način vplivala na življenje ...

Spotlight Spotlight - I know EU - AI act

22. 11. 2023

Spotlight - I know EU - AI act

Spotlight Morigenos to open Dolphin centre in Piran in mid-June

12. 6. 2023

Morigenos, the Slovenian Marine Mammal Society, is opening a dolphin centre in Piran. The opening ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Government hopes to increase Slovenia's air connectivity

15. 3. 2023

The number of commercial flights in Slovenia last year was 41% below the 2019 average - the biggest ...

Spotlight MindGuide's AI Chatbot helps young with mental health

17. 4. 2023

Mental and physical health were among the priority areas of the European Year of Youth 2022. ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - LIFFe festival kicks off amid new Covid rules

11. 11. 2021

The 32nd edition of the Ljubljana International Film Festival, also known as Liffe, is underway and ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 30.10.: Aid groups warn of humanitarian crisis in Bosnia

30. 10. 2019

Aid agencies, including the International Red Cross, are warning of a humanitarian disaster in ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 3 Mar: Students to appear in court amid remote schooling rally

3. 3. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, July 27: The Open Air Cinema Minoriti in Maribor

27. 7. 2020

The coronavirus has left its mark on festivals around the world. How is the Open Air Cinema ...

Izluščeno Chatbot Vid v boj proti okužbi s koronavirusom

6. 4. 2020

O posebni aplikaciji, projektu ozaveščanja ekipe 10 mladih razvijalcev in zdravnikov v boju proti ...

Destination Slovenia Spirit Slovenia - Vid Habjan

2. 12. 2018

In Destination Slovenia I mainly talk to foreign companies who are working here but in this show I ...

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