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Izluščeno Spoznajte tabor Moj izziv

6. 9. 2023

V začetku novega šolskega leta bo velik poudarek na prometni varnosti otrok in mladostnikov, ...

Spotlight Spotlight - Massive turnout at French Labor Day protests marked by clashes

3. 5. 2023

Spotlight - Massive turnout at French Labor Day protests marked by clashes

Izluščeno Vseslovenski tabor Zveze tabornikov Slovenije tokrat v Cerknem

1. 8. 2022

Na Cerkljanskem se letos odvija največji vseslovenski tabor Zveze tabornikov Slovenije, ki ga ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - New monthly subsidies available for faster entry of young people into the labor market

6. 3. 2023

Last month, the Slovenian Employment Agency published new subsidies worth 23,7 million euro that ...

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