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On demand • ljubljana-festival

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Coming up 20. Animateka – praznovanje animirane ustvarjalnosti

20. 11. 2023Na mednarodnem festivalu Animateka tekmujejo kratki animirani filmi iz vzhodne in srednje Evrope. Poleg tekmovalnega programa so retrospektive svetovnih animacij, nagrade žirije in občinstva, razstave, pogovori, delavnice.


News Tolerance festival gets under way in Ljubljana

13. 11. 2023The House of Tolerance Festival kicks off today at the Mini Teater and will run until the 21st of November.


News The LIFFe film festival opens in Ljubljana

8. 11. 2023The LIFFe international film festival will have screenings at six locations in Ljubjana, as well as in Maribor, Novo Mesto, and Celje. It runs until the 19th of November.

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