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On demand • slovenija

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My life, my music President of the Republic of Slovenia – Nataša Pirc Musar

29. 2. 2024

When I asked the President of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, to be a guest on My Life, My Music I ...

Global Vibes The Norwegian community in Slovenia

24. 12. 2023

Join us as we go local – to go global! We catch the vibes of the international communites in ...

Land of dreams Meet Jan Lagerwall, a Swede in Slovenia

31. 1. 2024

Meet Jan Lagerwall, a Swede retired from the military who now lives in Slovenia. Born and raised in ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - UN and Slovenia call for end to war in Sudan

11. 3. 2024

In the shadows of the ongoing deadly conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, the UN Security Council managed ...

Land of dreams Meet Aleksandar Popovski, a Macedonian in Slovenia

17. 1. 2024

Today we're at the theatre talking to a Macedonian theatre and film director who has been living in ...

Global Vibes The Indonesian community in Slovenia

26. 11. 2023

Join us as we go local – to go global! We catch the vibes of the international communites in ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - I Know EU - The Digital Services Act in Slovenia

25. 3. 2024

Today we talk about the implementation of the Digital Services Act in Slovenia with Darja Petric ...

EU minuta V Sloveniji na obisku vrhovni poveljnik sil zveze Nato v Evropi

29. 3. 2024

Pred 20 leti je Slovenija vstopila v zvezo Nato. Ob tej priložnosti jo je obiskal vrhovni ...

Izluščeno Ugled in vloga Slovenije v EU

22. 12. 2023

V okviru našega evropskega projekta I know EU smo se pogovarjali z evropskima poslancema dr. ...

Study abroad Slovenia might want to take a page from Finland's corriculum when it comes to home economics

1. 4. 2024

Venla studies home economics. In Finland, it's a subject that's mandatory for both elementary and ...

Izluščeno Vedno več štorkelj prezimuje v Sloveniji

3. 1. 2024

V Društvu za opazovanje in preučevanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS) opažajo kar nekaj belih štorkelj, ...

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