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On demand • pirc-musar

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News Slovenians Marking Remembrance Day Today

1. 11. 2023People across the country visited cemeteries today to remember loved ones who have passed away. Many laid wreaths and candles on graves in memory of lost relatives and friends.


News Frankfurt Book Fair Opens

18. 10. 2023The 75th Frankfurt Book Fair, with Slovenia as the guest of honour, opened recently. President Nataša Pirc Musar sees it as a chance for Slovenian authors. The event, featuring around 250 events, runs until 22 October.


News Pirc Musar echoes UN demands for end of invasion in Ukraine

21. 9. 2023During a UN Security Council debate in New York, President Nataša Pirc Musar agreed with demands to end Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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