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News Golob confirms new Renault EV will be produced in Slovenia

22. 7. 2024Slovenia's Prime Minister Robert Golob has confirmed that Renault's assembly plant in Novo Mesto will produce the new electric Twingo model.


Coming up Oddaja EURANET PLUS

21. 6. 2024V oddaji Euranet Plus analiziramo EU dogodke, izpostavljamo mirovno konferenco o Ukrajini in zavrnitev jedrskega orožja. V Euranet Special razpravljamo o mladih volivcih in njihovih odločitvah v evropskem parlamentu z doc. dr. Matjažem Nahtigalom.


News Forest Week starts in Slovenia

27. 5. 2024Just over 61% of Slovenia's territory is covered by forests.


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special: Svoboda medijev

10. 5. 2024V Evropski uniji so ta teden začela veljati nova pravila za zaščito novinarjev in medijev, med njimi tudi akt o svobodi medijev, ki naj bi novinarje zaščitil pred pritiski, državljanom EU pa omogočil dostop do neodvisnih medijskih vsebin.


Coming up Pred Dnevom Evrope: Lažne novice kot grožnja evropski demokraciji

7. 5. 2024Junijske evropske volitve bodo zelo pomembne z vidika ustreznega informiranja volivcev, zato medijski strokovnjaki pričakujejo eksplozijo t. i. deepfake in lažnih novic.


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/Gen Z: EU za vso mladino?

3. 5. 2024Evropska unija že desetletja izvaja številne evropske programe za mlade, ki slednjim ponujajo raznolike možnosti sodelovanja med organizacijami in posamezniki iz držav programa ter sosedskih partnerskih držav.


News Slovenia marks EU membership 20 years to the day

1. 5. 2024Twenty years to the day, Slovenia joined the EU together with another nine countries in what has been the biggest round of EU enlargement to date.


News European Summer Time Begins Tonight

30. 3. 2024Clocks across Europe will change to European Summer Time at 2 a.m. tonight. The clocks will go forward one hour. It will mean 1 hour less in bed tonight. On a more positive note, it will also mean longer evenings, with sunset tomorrow at around 7.30 p.m.


News ARSO Warns of High PM10 Levels This Weekend

30. 3. 2024The Slovenian Environment Agency, ARSO, has issued a warning over air quality due to sand from the Sahara being blown across the country today and tomorrow.


News Golob and Metsola agree EU elections will decide Europe's future

26. 3. 2024European Parliament President Roberta Metsola visited Ljubljana today as part of her tour of EU countries ahead of the June EU elections, where she met with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob. Both emphasized the significance of the EU elections.


News A ceremony marks breakthrough in second tube of Karavanke tunnel

18. 3. 2024The Karavanke tunnel is a key border crossing with Austria and is an important transport route connecting western and south-eastern Europe.

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