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News Government presented pension reform blueprint

22. 6. 2024The Slovenian government plans to raise the retirement age to 62 for those with 40 years of service by 2035, with gradual increases starting in 2028, according to a pension reform blueprint presented on Wednesday.


Coming up Highlights of the Week

17. 5. 2024We highlight some of the news making headlines around the world this week


News Worshippers Across Slovenia Celebrate Palm Sunday

24. 3. 2024Church services were preceded by processions, which commemorate Jesus' arrival into Jerusalem. Each 'butara' is made up of bundles of shrubs or plants, with strips of colourful paper. In other parts of the world, palms or olive branches are blessed.


Fresh Cut MGMT Feat. Christine And The Queens – Dancing In Babylon

7. 3. 2024Konec prejšnjega meseca je ameriški rock dvojec MGMT izdal težko pričakovani peti studijski album Loss in Life.


Fresh Cut Calvin Harris & Rag'n'Bone Man – Lovers In A Past Life

1. 3. 2024Škotski glasbeni producent Calvin Harris se je po uspešnici Giant iz leta 2019 ponovno povezal z izjemnim angleškim vokalistom Rag'n'Bone Manom in izdal nalezljiv single z naslovom Lovers In A Past Life.


Fresh Cut Em Beihold -- Maybe Life Is Good

27. 2. 2024Ameriška glasbenica s platinasto naklado Em Beihold je nedavno predstavila svojo najnovejšo glasbeno stvaritev z naslovom Maybe Life Is Good.


Fresh Cut Lusaint – Sweet Tooth

22. 2. 2024Vzhajajoča angleška glasbenica Lusaint se po uspešni izdaji singlov Dream Life, Fool For You in Dark Horse s skladbo Sweet Tooth pripravlja na debitantski album Self Sabotage, ki bo izšel to poletje.


Coming up Oddaja EURANET PLUS, 20.01.2024

19. 1. 2024Med glavnimi temami preteklega tedna v povezavi z EU sta bili vzpon neofašizma v Evropi in razmere na Madžarskem, poslanci pa so glasovali tudi o direktivi za prepoved zavajajočih informacij o izdelkih in lažnem zelenem oglaševanju.

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