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On demand • ljubljana

Im Fokus Empfang für Paralympics in Ljubljana 12.9.

13. 9. 2024

Empfang für Paralympics in Ljubljana 12.9.

Study abroad For Ana, one of the biggest challenges in Ljubljana was overcoming FOMO

2. 9. 2024

The Erasmus student from Spain says that one of the biggest challenges for exchange students is ...

Im Fokus Tag der offenen Tür im Goethe Institut Ljubljana

27. 8. 2024

Das Goethe Institut lädt am 3. September zum Tag der offenen Tür und zur Teilnahme an neuen ...

Study abroad Luca's decision to study in Ljubljana was literally made overnight

10. 6. 2024

One challenge Luca says she faced in Ljubljana was the language barrier as she does not speak ...

Im Fokus 20 Jahre Goehte Institut Ljubljana

21. 3. 2024

Das Goethe-Jubiläumsjahr im Zeichen "Mehr Licht!"

Im Fokus Ljubljana vor Verkehrschaos

4. 1. 2024

Mit dem 4. Januar beginnt der Bau des neuen Bus- und Bahnhofes und brint Straßensperren mit sich.

Study abroad For Laura, snow was the deciding factor when choosing to study in Ljubljana

18. 3. 2024

It hasn't snowed for a couple of months now, but it did fall in January when we recorded an ...

EU minuta V Ljubljani se začenja dvodnevno srečanje Prijateljev Zahodnega Balkana

19. 4. 2024

Danes in jutri bo v Ljubljani potekalo dvodnevno srečanje Prijatelj Zahodnega Balkana, v eni izmed ...

Study abroad After spending a year in Ljubljana, Mark says he will return to Madrid a changed man

30. 10. 2023

Mark has lived in Madrid his whole life, but he says it was only during his exchange in Ljubljana ...

Study abroad Ester spent the last year of her studies creating a "love letter to Ljubljana"

9. 10. 2023

Ester came from North Macedonia to study Textile and fashion design in Ljubljana. She says she ...

Study abroad Flore says when she saw Ljubljana among her exchange options, she knew this was a perfect option for her

13. 5. 2024

Flore says that she couldn't have chosen a better place for the exchange than Ljubljana, as it ...

Study abroad Can spent a semester in Ljubljana 5 years ago. He then decided to give Maribor a chance

4. 3. 2024

Five years ago, Can embarked on an Erasmus exchange to Ljubljana, where he spent a semester. Now, ...

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