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My life, my music Mladen Delin

19. 8. 2024

Mladen Delin is a musician in many senses. Taught originally to play accordian by his grandfather ...

My life, my music Robert Kereži

16. 7. 2024

Robert Kereži is a runner, not just marathons but ULTRA Marathons and Ultra Trail runs. It means ...

EU minuta Evropska komisija je v letnem poročilu med drugim Slovenijo pozvala k ureditvi financiranja RTV-ja

25. 7. 2024

V EU ostajajo določene skrbi na področjih neodvisnosti pravosodja in javnih medijev.. več v EU ...

Im Fokus Raiven für Slowenien in Malmö am Start

7. 5. 2024

Die 27-jährige Raiven ist nicht nur Mezzosopranistin und Songwriterin, sie spielt auch Harfe und ...

Euranet Plus Euranet Special/Ali šola uči pravih veščin za prihodnost?

13. 9. 2024

Četrta industrijska revolucija, ki temelji na digitalizaciji, zahteva nova znanja. Nova delovna ...

My life, my music Uroš Dokl

9. 7. 2024

In the centre of Maribor there is a museum dedicated to some of the important social events of over ...

My life, my music Japanese Ambassador to Slovenia – H.E. Akiko Yoshida

27. 5. 2024

Having met the Japanese delegation at the laying of the foundation for the Yaskawa factory ...

My life, my music Dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh

22. 4. 2024

Dr Emilija Stojmenova Duh is an engineer who has followed many roles, with a telecoms company, ...

EU minuta Kmetje s traktorji zasedli ulice Bruslja med sestankom kmetijskih ministrov EU-ja

27. 2. 2024

Najaktulnejša izjava dneva, ki bo na takšen ali drugačen način vplivala na življenje ...

My life, my music Reverend Martin Golob

29. 3. 2024

When I attended a church service some weeks ago in Grosuplje I was really surprised by both the ...

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