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News World War II Bomb Deactivated in Nova Gorica

25. 8. 2024Almost 1,000 people were evacuated from the immediate vicinity of the bomb and more than 2,000 were forced to stay indoors while the device was being made safe. Those involved in the deactivation process praised the local community for their cooperation.


News Abschied von Goran Dragić

24. 8. 2024Der große slowenische Basketballer Goran Dragić beendet seine Karriere.


News Salzernte an der slowenischen Küste auf Hochtouren

6. 8. 2024In den Salzgärten an der slowenischen Küste läuft die Salzernte auf Hochtouren. Sie dürfte nach anfänglich schlechtem Wetter zu Beginn des Sommers in diesem Jahr weitausbesser ausfallen als die letztjährige.


Coming up Pobuda za izboljšanje tečajev učenja slovenščine za tujce

26. 7. 2024Znanje slovenskega jezika je eden prvih pogojev uspešnega in učinkovitega vključevanja tujcev v slovensko družbo.


News Golob confirms new Renault EV will be produced in Slovenia

22. 7. 2024Slovenia's Prime Minister Robert Golob has confirmed that Renault's assembly plant in Novo Mesto will produce the new electric Twingo model.


News Prominent Slovenian humanitarian Ogulin has passed away

16. 7. 2024Anita Ogulin, a prominent Slovenian humanitarian, has passed away at the age of 73 after a long battle with cancer.


News Courts on break until August

15. 7. 2024Courts have begun their summer break but will continue to operate.


News Heavy Thunderstorm Causes Widespread Damage Across Styria

14. 7. 2024The area in and around the town of Slovenska Bistrica was the worst-affected. A clean-up operation was still ongoing in places this morning. Damaged red roof tiles had to be cleared from streets. More than 150 buildings in the municipality were affected.


Don't miss Namestite aplikacijo Radioplayer

3. 7. 2024Na voljo je nova aplikacija za poslušanje slovenskega radia in podkastov. Radioplayer je že na voljo za mobilne telefone, kmalu ga bo podpiralo še več naprav: od pametnih zvočnikov do televizorjev. Že zdaj ga podpirata Android Auto in Apple CarPlay.


News Slovenia play Argentina in Nations League Quarterfinals This Evening

28. 6. 2024Slovenia will take on Argentina in the fourth quarter-final of the FIVB Men's Volleyball Nations League in Lodz, Poland this evening. The team already beat Argentina in straight sets in the group stage last week.


News Summer Holidays Begin for Children Around Slovenia

24. 6. 2024The school holidays began for more than 275,000 schoolchildren in Slovenia today. Around 21,300 9th graders left school on the 14th of June. The holidays will last for 10 weeks, until the 2nd of September.

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