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Study abroad At the start of her exchange, Flora felt lost. Now, she’s not sure she wants to leave

6. 2. 2023

In addition to French literature, Flora also studies English literature and culture. It’s ...

Izluščeno Festival Kurja polt še do nedelje

21. 4. 2022

V torek se je s projekcijo filma Slab dan v Black Rocku ameriškega režiserja Johna Sturgesa v ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Post-pandemic intimacy

29. 3. 2021

Social distancing rules have forced most aspects of life online. Work, education, concerts, dating, ...

Study abroad What surprised Mina the most was that communication between students and professors is a bit more relaxed in Slovenia

28. 11. 2022

Mina says one of the things that surprised her the most was that she was given the keys to the ...

Study abroad Ece is a Turkish student who comes from Izmir, known as Turkey's most western-oriented city

14. 11. 2022

Ece is also a member of the official Turkish Eurovision Fan Club. It’s therefore no wonder she ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 25 -Lost girl

5. 3. 2021

This time Dave was sweating in a shopping centre. A new lesson for him… but he practiced some new ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 93 - Lost keys

9. 6. 2021

Luckily Dave has found the KEYS TO THE APARTMENT - KLJUČE OD STANOVANJA. It seems they weren’t ...

Spotlight Spotlight - Sinn Féin won the most seats in Thursday's poll

9. 5. 2022

Spotlight - Sinn Féin won the most seats in Thursday's poll

Euranet Plus EURANET PLUS: Projekt PORT razvija potenciale rečnega turizma

27. 11. 2021

V posavski regiji se trenutno izvaja z evropskimi sredstvi sofinanciran projekt Po-Savski rečni ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems 2022#1: By bike from fort to fort - Expedition into the past

11. 5. 2022

SLOVENIA's HIDDEN GEMS is back! Our first show of the new season takes us to the beautiful KARST ...

Spotlight Spotlight - UK and EU agree post-Brexit trade deal

30. 12. 2020

Spotlight - UK and EU agree post-Brexit trade deal

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - RTV SLO has most listened to radio network

1. 11. 2021

The radio network of Radio Slovenija, which includes the 1st program of Radio Slovenija, Val 202, ...

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