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Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, Mar 19th: EU commission plans travel certificate rollout before summer

19. 3. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v ...

Spotlight Spotlight - The European Union has agreed to delay Brexit until May 22.

22. 3. 2019

Spotlight - The European Union has agreed to delay Brexit until May 22.


2. 2. 2022

Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Danes se posvetimo pesmi Everywhere, ki jo izvajata Niall Horan ...

My life, my music ROOSTERS'S COCTAIL 10.06.2021

11. 6. 2021

Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 7 Dec: Merry Day of Culture moves online after 20 years

7. 12. 2020

Last Thursday, 3 Dec, Slovenia marked this year's Merry Day of Culture. The 220th birth anniversary ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Earth reached Overshoot Day

31. 7. 2019

On Monday, we marked Overshoot day - the date when humanity's annual demand on nature exceeded when ...

My life, my music Irena Smole

23. 5. 2021

As we approach the summer and anyone with children maybe considering the next step after primary ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT Mar 26th: Country-wide curfew now from 10 PM to 5 AM

26. 3. 2021

The country-wide curfew has been shortened to between 10 PM and 5 AM starting today. Also coming ...

My life, my music Špela Pirnat

16. 5. 2021

Špela Pirnat was attracted to music from a very early age and chose violin, soon moving onto ...

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Emanuele will teach you two ways to say "I love you" in Italian (05.07.2021)

5. 7. 2021

Despite coming from Slovenia's western neighbor, Emanuele says that before he came to Slovenia, he ...

My life, my music GERMAN AMBASSADORS

5. 5. 2021

This week I am honoured to have two guests in the studio. Her Excellency Natalie Kauther and His ...

My life, my music JURE NIERDORFER

11. 4. 2021

Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. ...

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