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Izluščeno Teden restavracij - Več okusa manj ostankov

17. 3. 2023

V slovenskem Tednu restavracij, med. 24.marcem in 2.aprilom, ki promovira vrhunsko slovensko ...

Second hand SECOND HAND 11. & 14. 10. - ALOK & AVA MAX - CAR KEYS (AYLA)/DJ AYLA - AYLA

11. 10. 2023

Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand. Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže uspešnice, sodelovanje ...

EU minuta EU minuta 23.3.- Sloveniji za okrevanje 286 milijonov evrov manj

23. 3. 2023

Najaktulnejša izjava dneva, ki bo na takšen ali drugačen način vplivala na življenje ...


1. 5. 2020

Praznovanje današnjega mednarodnega praznika dela, 1. maja, ki ga obeležujemo že 130 let, bo ...

Land of dreams Meet Emina Baj, a Kenyan in Slovenia

12. 1. 2022

Emina was born in Africa to a Croatian mother and Kenyan father. In the time of Yugoslavia her ...

Study abroad During his first week in Slovenia, Max and his friends crashed a bachelor's party in Velika Planina

9. 1. 2023

Max is a student of mechanical engineering who decided to study in Ljubljana because it was one of ...

Study abroad Max says he chose to study in Slovenia because of his previous visit to Ljubljana

31. 10. 2022

Max comes from the West German industrial city of Duisburg. The political science student says it's ...

Izluščeno Nadgradnja aplikacije VEŠ KAJ JEŠ

16. 11. 2021

Aplikacija na precej preprost način, v treh kratkih korakih, pomaga k temu, da bomo spremenili ...

Izluščeno Kaj se še mora zgoditi, da se bomo začeli odrekati?

28. 7. 2022

Danes smo prebivalci Zemlje dosegli letošnji 'dan ekološkega dolga'. S skupnimi močmi. Le da to ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 16 Mar: BAFTA stars show Ukraine support

16. 3. 2022

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, Mar 07th: Helpline for Ukrainian refugees established

7. 3. 2022

The Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Care and Integration of Migrants ...

Highlights of the Week Highlights of the Week, 6 Mar

6. 3. 2021

We pick out the most important news from Slovenia, Europe and around the globe for that particular ...

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