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Come away with me Azerbaijan

22. 5. 2016

This week we take you to a miraculous country with its unlimited natural resources, centuries-old ...

Daj mi petek! Give me Friday! GIVE ME FRIDAY 21.12.2018

21. 12. 2018

Zu Gast in unserer Sendung "Give me friday" war diesen Freitag Gertrud Rantzen, die ...

Come away with me Peru

8. 5. 2016

This week, our destination is a South American country...Talking about the ancient country of Peru, ...

Daj mi petek! Give me Friday! DAJ MI PETEK 14.12 BOŠTJAN TERBOVC

14. 12. 2018

Na oktobrskem 3. Dnevu nacionalne varnosti je priznanje za reševalca nujne medicinske pomoči leta ...

Come away with me Macedonia

24. 4. 2016

Our latest edition of the show 'Come away with me' takes us to a country that used to be part of ...

Daj mi petek! Give me Friday! DAJ MI PETEK 30.11. - IGRALKA MARUŠA MAJER

30. 11. 2018

Tokrat v oddaji Daj mi petek! gostimo igralko Marušo Majer. Nagrade, priznanja in odlične vloge ...

Come away with me Georgia

10. 4. 2016

Our latest show reveals some of the mysteries of an ancient country in the Caucasus, Georgia. The ...

Daj mi petek! Give me Friday! NOAH CHARNEY GIVE ME FRIDAY

23. 11. 2018

Petkov obisk na delovnem mestu pri znanih in manj znanih osebnostih. Friday visit at work with ...

My life, my music American Ambassador H.E. Brent Hartley

18. 10. 2015

This week I have the pleasure of welcoming the American Ambassador H.E. Mr Brent R Hartley and his ...

Come away with me Thailand

27. 3. 2016

The latest edition of ‘Come away with me’ takes us to Thailand. Mrs Simona Volaj Rakušček, ...

Daj mi petek! Give me Friday! Daj mi petek give me Friday

16. 11. 2018

V oddaji Daj min petek je z nami Maja Lamberger Khatib, kulturna antropologinja, sicer pa zadnja ...

EU minuta EU MINUTA: Velika Britanija se bo o trgovinskem sporazumu z ZDA težje pogajala sama, kot če bi ostala del EU

8. 1. 2020

Najaktulnejša izjava dneva, ki bo na takšen ali drugačen način vplivala na življenje ...

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