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On demand • festivals

Izluščeno Vrata odpira 22.festival dokumentarnega filma

5. 3. 2020

V Cankarjevem domu bo med 11. in 18. marcem potekal 22. Festival dokumentarnega filma. V ...

Izluščeno Vabljeni na 14. Festival gorniškega filma!

24. 2. 2020

Slovenci smo ljubitelji gora, ob vikendih radi planinarimo, naši alpinisti pa dosegajo izjemne ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 20th Oct: Festival of Slovenian Film wraps up, with winning film receiving six awards

20. 10. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGH, Jan 20th: The Kiblix festival is this year focusing on virtual worlds

20. 1. 2021

Because of the pandemic, most aspects of our lives have had to migrate to the web during the past ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, Jan 1 2020: Festival of sparkling wine

1. 1. 2020

Many of you entered 2020 by holding up your glasses, some of you decided to go for bubbles. But ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, Nov 27th: The International Animated Film Festival Animateka is to kick off on Monday

27. 11. 2020

Like many other events, the International Animated Film Festival Animateka will this year take ...

Izluščeno Izluščeno, 21.2. - Kurentovanje: največji slovenski pustni festival

21. 2. 2020

Mnogi Ptujčani radi rečejo, da imajo v njihovih koncih pet letnih časov – pomlad, poletje, ...

Izluščeno BIGSCREEN: O pravicah žensk na letošnjem StopTrick festivalu

3. 10. 2019

Letošnja edicija mednarodnega filmskega festivala StopTrik naslavlja tematike, povezane s ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT 24.09. Pipi's festival in Velenje

24. 9. 2018

Pippi Longstocking festival, the biggest children's event in Slovenia, got under way in Velenje on ...

Izluščeno IZLUŠČENO 11.09.:Festival Speculum Artium

11. 9. 2018

Vsak delavnik ob 9.20 na Radiu Si izluščimo temo/dogodek, ki si to po aktualnosti tudi zasluži.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - 15th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival

15. 7. 2019

The 15th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival is underway in Ljutomer and Ormož and will run ...

Spotlight Spotlight 29.08. Front@ festival of contemporary dance

29. 8. 2018

Contemporary dance festival Front@ is in its 13th edition. Its artistic director Matjaž Farič ...

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