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Study abroad Adrian started his echange on one path and is ending it on another

24. 6. 2024

Adrian is one of those people who believes that if you truly truly set your mind to something, you ...

EU minuta EU fin. ministri pozvali k predlogu za uresničitev dogovora G7 o posojilu Ukrajini

24. 6. 2024

Najaktulnejša izjava dneva, ki bo na takšen ali drugačen način vplivala na življenje ...

Spotlight Spotlight-Ski jumping legend Peter Prevc ended his career

27. 3. 2024

Spotlight-Ski jumping legend Peter Prevc ended his career

Izluščeno GIS obeležil 70 let

20. 12. 2023

Geodetski inštitut Slovenije je bil ustanovljen decembra leta 1953 in je eden izmed najstarejših ...

Dave's Thoughts 11.08.2023 - NOT WORTH HIS SALT

11. 8. 2023


Study abroad During his exchange in Ljubljana, Simão joined Rugby Olimpija

1. 5. 2023

Simão spent a semester in Ljubljana as an Erasmus student. Since he had lots of free time, he ...

Study abroad During his first week in Slovenia, Max and his friends crashed a bachelor's party in Velika Planina

9. 1. 2023

Max is a student of mechanical engineering who decided to study in Ljubljana because it was one of ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 309 - Dave loses his voice

23. 11. 2022

Dave got his voice back JUST IN TIME – PRAVI ČAS for his INTERVIEW – POGOVOR. He also learned ...

Study abroad One of the main lessons Manuel says he will take from his studies in Ljubljana is money management

17. 4. 2023

Since the law student and his roommates had different priorities, hobbies, and expenses, splitting ...

Izluščeno Hiš(k)a iz konopljinega betona, prijazna do narave in ljudi

11. 10. 2022

V oddaji Think green smo tokrat gostili Tomaža Šorlija, ki je za svojo družino zgradil hišo iz ...

Study abroad Max says he chose to study in Slovenia because of his previous visit to Ljubljana

31. 10. 2022

Max comes from the West German industrial city of Duisburg. The political science student says it's ...

Slovenia's hidden gems Slovenia's Hidden Gems - Unforgetable Day at Fonda Fish Farm

1. 6. 2022

Slovenia's Hidden Gems - Unforgetable Day at Fonda Fish Farm

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