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On demand • peter

Spotlight Spotlight-Ski jumping legend Peter Prevc ended his career

27. 3. 2024

Spotlight-Ski jumping legend Peter Prevc ended his career

Think Green V času kurjenja so padavine in veter naši najboljši prijatelji

27. 11. 2023

Na Agenciji za okolje smo preverili, kakšen zrak dihamo v času kurilne sezone, in kako pri nas ...

Think Green Prijatelji dobrega zraka za dihanje so veter in padavine

13. 2. 2023

Kakovost zraka v naši državi spremljamo z dvaindvajsetimi stalnimi in eno mobilno postajo. Kje so ...

Izluščeno V petek po vsej Sloveniji Evropska noč raziskovalcev

29. 9. 2022

Vsak delavnik ob 9.20 na Radiu Si izluščimo temo/dogodek, ki si to po aktualnosti tudi zasluži.

Land of dreams Meet Peter Davey, an Englishman in Slovenia

16. 9. 2020

Peaceful, silent, with blue skies above and surrounded by nature. That would sum up Peter Davey's ...

My life, my music Peter Savizon

9. 6. 2019

If you are a fan of jazz songs and other similar styles then singer and musician Peter Savizon is a ...

My life, my music Peter Orešič

1. 4. 2018

If you are a lover of country music then this is the show for you as I enjoy a conversation with ...

My life, my music Peter Pen

11. 12. 2016

At this time of the year the Slovene skiing team is already training and competing. I was very ...

Destination Slovenia Advantage Austria - Dr Peter Hasslacher

27. 1. 2019

The largest number of foreign companies operating in Slovenia, come from the neighbouring country ...

My life, my music Peter Kranjc

23. 8. 2015

Peter Kranjc loves his job, he respects his colleagues and knows how to find compromises. What else ...

Daj mi petek! Give me Friday! Daj mi petek! 02.11.

2. 11. 2018

Tokrat smo v oddaji Daj mi petek! gostili dr. Matjaža Gregoriča, evolucijskega biologa – ...

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