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On demand • war

Dave's Thoughts 14.06.2024 - Vsako leto je dar

4. 7. 2024

Epizoda 198: Vsako leto je dar

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - UN and Slovenia call for end to war in Sudan

11. 3. 2024

In the shadows of the ongoing deadly conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, the UN Security Council managed ...

Izluščeno Kar nas dela zdrave, nas dela tudi duševno zdrave

13. 5. 2024

Duševno zdravje nam omogoča, da živimo smiselno, da smo ustvarjalni in aktivni, da sprejemamo ...

Spotlight European Youth Olympic Festival under way in Maribor

24. 7. 2023

One of the largest multi-sport events in Europe and the largest event for athletes between the ages ...

Spotlight Cherry Festival to get under way in Goriška Brda

2. 6. 2023

If last year’s crops had been affected by drought, it was the frosty and rainy spring that this ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 301 - New car

31. 10. 2022

With the new baby Fani and Dave have decided it’s time for a BIGGER CAR - VEČJI AVTO, a MINIVAN ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 292 - Baby on the way

5. 10. 2022

A baby is on its way to Fani and Dave… After Fani’s WATER BROKE – JI JE ODTEKLA VODA, ...

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Ski Jumping World Cup in Planica under way

31. 3. 2023

The Ski Jumping World Cup Finals are under way in Planica this week. Currently taking place is the ...

Second hand SECOND HAND 11. & 14. 10. - ALOK & AVA MAX - CAR KEYS (AYLA)/DJ AYLA - AYLA

11. 10. 2023

Dobrodošli v oddaji Second Hand. Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže uspešnice, sodelovanje ...

Izluščeno Na kmetiji inovativnega kmeta ničesar kar pridelajo ne zavržejo

30. 1. 2023

Obiskali smo Ekološko kmetijo Paldauf, kjer družina Igorja Paldaufa prideluje neindustrijsko ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 223 - Stolen car

30. 3. 2022

Dave had a pretty interesting day. HIS CAR GOT STOLEN – AVTO SO MU UKRADLI. Well actually, NOT ...

EU minuta 'Nič ni odpadek, uporabi samo to, kar že obstaja'

19. 12. 2022

Globalne okoljske težave, s katerimi se srečujemo danes, so večinoma posledica človekovega ...

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