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Izluščeno Uporaba umetne inteligence na delovnih mestih

15. 4. 2024

Umetna inteligenca je ena od tehnologij, ki bodo bistveno zaznamovale prihodnost in že vpliva na ...

Spotlight Spotlight-Slovenia guest of honour at Bologna Children's Book Fair

15. 4. 2024

Spotlight-Slovenia guest of honour at Bologna Children's Book Fair

Highlights of the Week HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK

12. 4. 2024

We pick out the most important news from Slovenia, Europe and around the globe for that particular ...

Izluščeno V kinih je na ogled biografska glasbena drama Back to Black

12. 4. 2024

Na velika platna po Sloveniji je prispela biografska glasbena drama o življenju in glasbenem ...


12. 4. 2024

Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the ...

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