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Study abroad Elise was surprised she had access to more resources in Ljubljana than in the US

16. 9. 2024

Elise is a neuro science student who spent a year in Ljubljana as part of a Fullbright scholarship, ...

Izluščeno Urejen javni prostor je koristen za vse

16. 9. 2024

Letošnji Evropski teden mobilnosti poudarja, da kakovostno urejen javni prostor vsaki skupnosti ...

EU minuta Nizozemski premier napovedal najstrožjo protipriseljensko politiko, Nemčija ponovno uvaja nadzor na vseh kopenskih mejah

16. 9. 2024

Nizozemska vlada bo uvedla "najstrožjo azilno politiko doslej", da bi zajezila nezakonite ...

My life, my music Meta Šepic

13. 9. 2024

One of the most interesting places in Maribor is the Botanical Gardens at Pivola, which is a key ...

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