Posočje Foto: Peter Zajc
Posočje Foto: Peter Zajc

In 1933 famous Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballe is born.

In 1956 on the island of Cuba actor Andy Garcia is born.

In 1961 Jurij Gagarin is the first astronaut to circle the Earth.

In 1980 Terry Fox began his marathon across Canada. He wanted to collect money for cancer research. He called his run the Marathon of Hope.

In 1989 the American boxer Sugar Ray Robinson dies.

In 1998 in the Posočje region of Slovenia one of the worst earthquakes in Slovene history damages more than 1.700 buildings.


1954 - Bill Haley records 'Rock Around The Clock'. This single is regarded as the beginning of the rock 'n roll age.

1969 - The 5th Dimension is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In'.

1997 - R Kelly is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'I Believe I Can Fly'.


1944 - John Kay, singer with Steppenwolf, (1968 'Born To Be Wild').

1980 - Bryan McFadden, singer with Westlife, (1999 'Swear It Again').



Leta 1869 se je rodil slovenski slikar Rihard Jakopič.

Leta 1933 se je rodila španska sopranistka Montserrat Caballe.

Leta 1956 se je na Kubi rodil igralec Andy Garcia.

Leta 1961 je Jurij Gagarin kot prvi astronavt obkrožil Zemljo.

Leta 1980 je Terry Fox začel svoj maraton čez Kanado, da bi zbral denar za raziskave o raku. Svoj tek je poimenoval Maraton upanja (Marathon of Hope).

Leta 1989 je umrl ameriški boksar Sugar Ray Robinson.

Leta 1998 je Posočje prizadel eden najhujših potresov v slovenski zgodovini. Poškodovanih je bilo več kot 1.700 objektov.


1954 - Bill Haley posname 'Rock Around The Clock'. To je pesem, ki jo štejejo za začetek dobe rock and roll-a.

1969 - The 5th Dimension so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In'.

1997 - R Kelly je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov z 'I Believe I Can Fly'.


1944 - John Kay, pevec pri Steppenwolf (1968 'Born To Be Wild').

1980 - Bryan McFadden, pevec pri Westlife (1999 'Swear It Again').