Foto: EPA
Foto: EPA

In 1892, Slovenian historian Milko Kos is born. His greatest work is Zgodovina Slovencev (History of the Slovenes).

In 1901, Guglielmo Marconi for the first time makes a radio transmission over the Atlantic Ocean.

In 1913, the famous painting Mona Lisa is returned to the Paris museum Louvre from where it was stolen right off the wall in 1911.

In 2003, the most famous Orca whale Keiko dies. Portraying Willy, Keiko was the star in the 1993 film Free Willy.


1963 - The Beatles take the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart with 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'.

1964 - Bobby Vinton takes the top spot on the American singles chart with 'Mr Lonely'.

1981 - The Human League takes the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart with 'Don't You Want Me'.

1987 - George Michael is at the top of the American singles chart with 'Faith'.

2002 - Eminem takes the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart with 'Lose Yourself', the title song of the film 8 Mile.

2007 - Musician, and former husband of Tine Turner, Ike Turner dies.


1915 - singer and actor Frank Sinatra ('New York').

1938 - singer Connie Francis ('Who's Sorry Now').

1940 - singer Dionne Warwick ('That's What Friends Are For').

1943 - singer Grover Washington Jr ('Just The Two Of Us').

1959 - Sheila E. ('A Love Bizarre').



Leta 1642 je nizozemski pomorščak Abel Tasman odkril Novo Zelandijo.

Leta 1863 se je rodil norveški slikar in grafik Edvard Munch, ki velja za klasika severnjaškega ekspresionizma. Njegova najbolj znamenita slika je Krik.

Leta 1888 se je rodil slovenski kipar Ivan Napotnik. Ustvarjal je plastike v lesu.

Leta 1892 se je rodil slovenski zgodovinar Milko Kos, ki je napisal Zgodovino Slovencev.

Leta 1901 je Guglielmo Marconi prvič vzpostavil radijsko zvezo čez Atlantski ocean.

Leta 1913 so znamenito sliko Mone Lise vrnili v pariški muzej Louvre, iz katerega so jo ukradli dve leti prej.

Leta 2003 je umrl najslavnejši kit orka Keiko, ki je bil zvezda prvega filma o Willyju.


1963 - The Beatles zasedejo vrh britanske lestvice singlov z 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'.

1964 - Bobby Vinton zasede vrh ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Mr Lonely'.

1981 - The Human League zasede vrh britanske lestvice singlov z 'Don't You Want Me'.

1987 - George Michael je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov s 'Faith'.

2002 - Eminem zasede vrh britanske lestvice z naslovno pesmijo iz filma 8 Mile 'Lose Yourself'.


1915 - ameriški pevec in igralec Frank Sinatra ('New York').

1938 - pevka Connie Francis ('Who's Sorry Now').

1940 - pevka Dionne Warwick ('That's what friends are for').

1943 - pevec Grover Washington Jr ('Just The Two Of Us').

1959 - Sheila E. ('A love bizarre').