In 1944 Erno Rubik is born. Photp: EPA Foto:
In 1944 Erno Rubik is born. Photp: EPA Foto:

In 1841, the Austrian architect, urbanist and educator Otto Wagner is born. He is considered a pioneer of modern urbanism and architecture, and the founder of the Viennese School.

In 1883, in Ljubljana Hinko Smrekar, Slovenian painter, illustrator, and caricaturist, is born. He carried out pioneering work in the field of graphics with the cycle of seven deadly sins, he illustrated the novel ‘śKrpan’ť by Fran Levstik.

In 1943 the Battle of Kursk, one of the largest battles of the Second World War begins. It was a tank battle between German forces and the Soviet Red Army.

In 1943, the American actor Harrison Ford is born.

In 1944 the Hungarian inventor and architect Erno Rubik is born. He is best known for the invention of mechanical puzzles including Rubik's Cube.


1985 - The musical spectacle Live Aid is held simultaneously at the London Wembley stadium and the John Kennedy stadium in Philadelphia. The proceeds went to the hungry in Africa.

1964 - The Animals are at the top of the British singles chart with 'The House Of The Rising Sun', which is the first song on the charts that lasted longer than 4 minutes.

1974 - George McCrae is at the top of the American singles chart with 'Rock Your Baby'.

1985 - Duran Duran is No. 1 on the American singles chart with the song from the James Bond film 'A View To A Kill'.

1991 - Bryan Adams is at the top of the British charts with 'Everything I Do I Do It For You', the title song from the film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.



Leta 100 pr. n. št. se je rodil najslavnejši rimski vojskovodja Gaj Julij Cezar.

Leta 1841 se je rodil avstrijski arhitekt, urbanist in pedagog Otto Wagner. Velja za pionirja modernga urbanizma in arhitekture in je utemeljitelj dunajske šole.

Leta 1883 se je v Ljubljani rodil Hinko Smrekar, slovenski slikar in karikaturist. Opravil je pionirsko delo na področju grafike s ciklom Sedem naglavnih grehov, ilustriral je Levstikov roman Krpan.

Leta 1943 se je začela bitka pri Kursku, ena največjih bitk v drugi svetovni vojni. To je bil tankovski spopad med nemškimi silami in sovjetsko Rdečo armado. V njej so Nemci izgubili 70. 000 mož, 1500 tankov in 1000 letal.

Leta 1943 se je rodil ameriški filmski igralec Harrison Ford.

Leta 1944 se je rodil madžarski izumitelj in arhitekt Erno Rubik, ki je izumil t. i. Rubikovo kocko.


1985 - je na londonskem Wembleyu in na stadionu Johna Kennedyja v Philadelphiji potekal glasbeni spektakel Live Aid, katerega dobiček je bil za lačne v Afriki.

1964 - The Animals so na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'The House Of The Rising Sun', ki je prva skladba na lestvicah daljša od 4 minut.

1974 - George McCrae je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Rock Your Baby'.

1985 - Duran Duran so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s skladbo iz filma James Bond 'A View To A Kill'.

1991 - Bryan Adams je na vrhu britanske lestvice z 'Everything I Do I Do It For You', naslovno pesmijo za film 'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves'.