Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters

In 1850 the French artist Marie Tussaud, founder of the London Wax Museum, dies.

In 1889 Charlie Chaplin is born. He is one of the greatest comics of our time. He is famous as an author of silent films. Among his talking films remain his classics City Lights, Modern Times and The Great Dictator.

In 1921 the Russian actor Peter Ustinov is born.

In 1927 in the Bavarian town of Marktl am Inn Pope Joseph Alois Ratzinger is born.

In 1939 the Croatian actor Boris Dvornik is born.

In 1972 Apollo 16 is launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida. The mission to the Moon lasted 11 days.

In 2003 the Treaty of Accession is signed between the EU and 9 new members, including Slovenia.


1956 - Buddy Holly releases his first single 'Blue Days, Black Nights'.

1964 - The Rolling Stones first album was released in the UK, it stayed on the chart for 40 weeks, with 11 weeks at No. 1.

1970 - Whole Lotta Love' by Led Zeppelin is certified Gold after selling over a million copies in the USA.

1994 - Prince is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World'.


1935 - Bobby Vinton, (1963 'Blue Velvet').

1939 - Dusty Springfield, ('You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me’).

1947 - Gerry Rafferty, singer with the Stealers Wheel, (1973 'Stuck In The Middle With You').

1964 - Dave Pirner, singer in Soul Asylum (1993 Runaway Train).

1970 - Gabrielle, (1993 'Dreams').


Leta 1828 je v izgnanstvu umrl eden največjih španskih slikarjev Francisco Goya.

Leta 1850 je umrla Marie Tussaud, ustanoviteljica londonskega muzeja voščenih lutk.

Leta 1889 se je rodil Charlie Chaplin, eden največjih komikov našega časa. Zaslovel je kot avtor nemih filmov. Med zvočnimi filmi pa med njegovimi klasikami ostajajo Luči velemesta, Moderni časi in Veliki diktator.

Leta 1921 se je rodil ruski igralec Peter Ustinov.

Leta 1938 se je začela prva konferenca Komunistične stranke Slovenije.

Leta 1939 se je rodil hrvaški igralec Boris Dvornik.

Leta 1972 so iz Cape Canaverala na Floridi izstrelili Apollo 16, ki je bil namenjen na Luno.

Leta 2003 so v Atenah podpisali pristopni sporazum in v Evropsko unijo sprejeli deset novih članic, med njimi tudi Slovenijo.


1956 - Buddy Holly je izdaj svoj prvi singel 'Blue Days, Black Nights'.

1964 - izšel je prvi album skupine The Rolling Stones. Plošča z imenom skupine je na prvem mestu britanske lestvice ostala 11 tednov.

1970 - 'Whole Lotta Love' skupine Led Zeppelin je v ZDA postala zlata, po tem ko so prodali več kot milijon plošč.

1994 - Prince je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov z 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The World'.


1935 - Bobby Vinton (1963 'Blue Velvet').

1939 - Dusty Springfield ('You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me’), umrla 1999.

1947 - Gerry Rafferty, pevec v Stealers Wheel (1973 'Stuck In The Middle With You').

1964 - Dave Pirner, pevec v Soul Asylum (1993 'Runaway Train').

1970 - Gabrielle (1993 'Dreams').