Photo: Reuters Foto:
Photo: Reuters Foto:

In 1888, archaeologist, soldier and writer Lawrence of Arabia is born.

In 1920, the American writer and poet Charles Bukowski is born.

In 1924, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange is founded. At first it was just a commodity exchange, but soon began operations with securities.

In 1956, the Hungarian actor Bela Lugosi dies. He is known for his roles in the films of Count Dracula and that he was buried in the mantle, which he wore as Dracula in the films.

In 1968, the Slovenian skier Mateja Svet is born.


1975 - Peter Gabriel leaves the group Genesis.

1977 - King of Rock 'n' Elvis Presley dies. He was found dead in the bathroom by his girlfriend Ginger Alden. In his hands he was holding the book 'The Scientific Search For Jesus'. He was just 42 years old. His first No. 1 hit was ‘Heartbreak Hotel’. 154 of his songs were placed on the US Hot 100 chart. He acted in 31 films.

1986 - Madonna is at the top of the American charts with the song 'Papa Don't Preach'.

1997 - Will Smith with the song from the film 'Men In Black' takes the top spot on the British charts.


1953 - James Taylor, singer in Kool & The Gang (1981 'Celebration').

1958 - Madonna, queen of pop (1984 'Holiday').

1968 - LL Cool J (1997 'Ain't Nobody').



Leta 1858 je predsednik ZDA James Buchanan, britanski kraljici Viktoriji, po čezatlantskem telegrafskem kablu poslal prvi telegram.

Leta 1888 se je rodil arheolog, vojak in pisatelj Lawrence Arabski.

Leta 1920 se je rodil ameriški pisatelj in pesnik Charles Bukowski.

Leta 1924 je bila ustanovljena Ljubljanska borza. Sprva je bila le blagovna borza, kmalu je začela poslovati z vrednostnimi papirji.

Leta 1956 je umrl madžarski filmski igralec Bela Lugosi. Znan je po vlogah v filmih o grofu Drakuli in po tem, da so ga pokopali v plašču, ki ga je kot Drakula nosil v filmih.

Leta 1968 se je rodila slovenska smučarka Mateja Svet.


1975 - Peter Gabriel zapusti skupino Genesis.

1977 - umrl je kralj rock'n'rolla Elvis Presley. Našlo ga je njegovo dekle Ginger Alden. V rokah je imel knjigo 'The Scientific Search For Jesus'. Star je bil 42 let. Njegov prvi hit številka 1 je bil ‘Heartbreak Hotel’. Na lestvico US Hot 100 je uvrstil 154 svojih pesmi. Igral je v 31 filmih.

1986 - Madonna je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Papa Don't Preach'.

1997 - Will Smith zasede s filmsko pesmijo 'Men In Black' vrh britanske lestvice.


1953 - James Taylor, pevec v Kool & The Gang (1981 'Celebration').

1958 - kraljica popa Madonna (1984 'Holiday').

1968 - LL Cool J (1997 'Ain't Nobody').