Soška bitka Foto: Rok Omahen
Soška bitka Foto: Rok Omahen

In 1894, the American zoologist and explorer of sexuality in humans Alfred Charles Kinsey is born. With his books The Sexual Behaviour of Men (1948) and The Sexual Behaviour of Women (1953), caused quite a stir in the western world. He died in 1956.

In 1894, in Paris the International olympic comittee was founded.

In 1915, the first Soška battle began.

In 1956, in Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser, who became one of the main leaders of the Non-Aligned countries, is elected the new president.

In 2006, in Hollywood at the age of 83 the American producer Aaron Spelling, the father of some of the most popular television series Beverly Hills 90210, Melerose Place, Witches, Charlie's Angels, Dynasty, Seventh Heaven etc., dies.


1962 - Ray Charles with his album 'Modern Sounds In Country And Western Music', stays for 14 weeks at the No. 1 spot on the American albums chart.

1984 - Duran Duran for the first time in their career take the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with 'The Reflex'.

1996 - Bryan Adams is at No. 1 on the UK album chart with '18-Till I Die'. Metallica went to No. 1 on the US album chart with their album 'Load'.


1929 - June Carter Cash, country singer, wife of Johnny Cash. Together with her husband she created the hits ‘Ring Of Fire', 'Jackson', and 'If I Were A Carpenter'.

1975 - KT Tunstall, British singer, songwriter ('Black Horse and the Cherry Tree').

1984 - Aimee Anne Duffy, Welsh singer-songwriter (2008 ‘Mercy’).


Leta 1763 se je rodila Josephine de Beauharnais. Leta 1976 se je poročila z Napoleonom in postala cesarica Francije.

Leta 1894 se je rodil ameriški zoolog in raziskovalec spolnosti pri ljudeh Alfred Charles Kinsey. S knjigama Spolno obnašanje moškega in Spolno obnašanje ženske, je povzročil precejšnje vznemirjenje v vsem zahodnem svetu.

Leta 1894 so v Parizu ustanovili Mednarodni olimpijski komite.

Leta 1915 se je začela prva soška bitka.

Leta 1956 je bil v Egiptu za novega predsednika države izvoljen Gamal Abdel Naser. Bil je eden glavnih voditeljev gibanja neuvrščenih držav.

Leta 1972 se je rodil francoski nogometaš Zinedine Zidane.

Leta 2006 je umrl ameriški producent Aaron Spelling. Ustvaril je nekaj najbolj priljubljenih televizijskih nadaljevank, Beverly Hills 90210, Melerose Place, Dinastija, Sedma nebesa.


1962 - Ray Charles je z albumom 'Modern Sounds In Country And Western Music' na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice.

1984 - Duran Duran so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'The Reflex'.

1996 - Bryan Adams je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom '18-Till I Die'. Metallica zasede vrh ameriške lestvice z albumom 'Load'.


1929 - June Carter Cash, country pevka, žena Johnny-a Cash-a, s katerim sta ustvarila hite 'Ring Of Fire', 'Jackson', 'If I Were A Carpenter'.

1975 - KT Tunstall, britanska pevka ('Black Horse and the Cherry Tree').

1984 - pevka Duffy (2008 ‘Mercy’).