Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters

In 1839 the initials ‘O. K.' are first published in The Boston Morning Post. Meant as an abbreviation for ‘oll correct' a popular slang misspelling of ‘all correct’ at the time.

In 1842 the French author Marie-Henri Beyle, better known by his pen name Stendhal, dies in Paris. His best known novels are The Red and The Black and The Charthouse of Parma. In 1905 actress Joan Crawford is born.

In 1945 by starring in Mildred Pierce, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress.

In 1998 the movie Titanic won 11 Oscars at the Academy Awards.

In 2011 the British-American actress Elizabeth Taylor dies.


1963 - The Beach Boys released Surfin' U. S. A.

1991 - R. E. M. scored their first UK No. 1 album with their LP 'Out Of Time' featuring the singles 'Losing My Religion' and 'Shiny Happy People. '

2008 - British soul singer Estelle feat Kayne West is at No. 1 on the UK singles chart with 'American Boy'.


1953 - Queen of Funk ('I Feel For You').

1966 - Mark McLoughlin, vocals in Wet Wet Wet (1994 'Love Is All Around').

1968 - Damon Albarn, British musician and vocalist in Blur ('Parklife’).



Leta 1754 se je rodil slovenski matematik Jurij Vega. Ukvarjal se je z računanjem logaritmov, izdelal je logaritemske tablice, ki so se uporabljale vse do pričetka dobe računalništva.

Leta 1839 so v časopisu Boston Morning Post prvič uporabili okrajšavo OK, ki je bila kratica za besedno zvezo 'oll korrect'.

Leta 1842 je v Parizu umrl francoski pisatelj Stendhal, s pravim imenom Marie-Henri Beyle.

Leta 1905 se je rodila igralka Joan Crawford. Nastopila je v filmih Neznani, Ženske, Grand Hotel, Kaj se je zgodilo z Baby Jane. Za igro v Mildred Pierce je leta 1945 prejela oskarja.

Leta 1998 je film 'Titanic' prejel 11 oskarjev.

Leta 2011 je umrla legendarna hollywoodska igralka Elizabeth Taylor.


1963 - The Beach Boys released Surfin' U. S. A.

1991 - R. E. M. so na vrhu britanske lestvice albumov z 'Out Of Time', na katerem sta tudi 'Losing My Religion' in 'Shiny Happy People'.

2008 - Estelle in Kayne West sta na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'American Boy'.


1953 - kraljica funka Chaka Khan ('I Feel For You').

1966 - Mark McLoughlin, pevec škotske skupine Wet Wet Wet (Love Is All Around').

1968 - Damon Albarn, pevec zasedbe Blur (‘Parklife’).