Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo

In 1712, the French philosopher, a precursor of Romanticism Jean Jacques Rousseau is born.

In 1914, in Sarajevo, Gavrilo Princip shot the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne Ferdinand and his wife. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and Germany take advantage of the assassination and use it as a reason to attack Serbia, which led to the First World War.

In 1919, the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War, is signed.

In 1948, the American actress Kathy Bates was born.

In 1966, the American actor John Cusack is born.

In 1969, the New York homosexuals started with the Stonewall rising.


1959 - Bobby Darin was at the No. 1 spot on the British singles charts with 'Dream Lover'.

1969 - Henry Mancini is No. 1 on the American charts with 'Love Theme from Romeo And Juliet'.

1975 - The Eagles are No. 1 on the American albums chart with 'One Of These Nights'.

1985 - Sister Sledge is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'Frankie'.

1986 - Wham is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'The Edge Of Heaven'.

1997 - Puff Daddy and Faith Evans take the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart with 'I'll Be Missing You'.


1971 - Ray Slijngaard, singer in 2 Unlimited (1993 'No Limit').


Leta 1586 je umrl Primož Trubar, avtor prvih tiskanih knjig v slovenskem jeziku.

Leta 1712 se je rodil francoski filozof Jean Jacques Rousseau.

Leta 1914 je v Sarajevu Gavrilo Princip ustrelil prestolonaslednika Ferdninanda in njegovo ženo. Avstro-Ogrska in Nemčija sta napadli Srbijo, kar je pripeljalo do prve svetovne vojne.

Leta 1919 je bila podpisana versajska pogodba, s katero se je končala prva svetovna vojna.

Leta 1948 se je rodila igralka Kathy Bates.

Leta 1966 se je rodil ameriški igralec John Cusack.

Leta 1969 so newyorški homoseksualci začeli s Stonewallskim uporom. Ta upor velja za začetek gibanja za pravice homoseksualcev in lezbijk.

Leta 1991 so slovenske oborožene sile okrepile blokade in enote Teritorialne obrambe usmerjale proti zavzetim mejnim prehodom.


1959 - Bobby Darin je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov z 'Dream Lover'.

1969 - Henry Mancini je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice z 'Love Theme from Romeo And Juliet'.

1975 - The Eagles so na vrhu ameriške lestvice albumov z 'One Of These Nights'.

1985 - Sister Sledge so na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov s pesmijo 'Frankie'.

1986 - Wham sta na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov z 'The Edge Of Heaven'.

1997 - Puff Daddy in Faith Evans sta na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov z 'I'll Be Missing You'.


1971 - Ray Slijngaard, pevec dueta 2 Unlimited (1993 'No Limit').