Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1929, the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is renamed Yugoslavia.

In 1988, the American space shuttle Discovery, after a four-day mission in space, safely lands on Earth. This was the first flight of an American space shuttle after the Challenger disaster.

In 1990, with the demolition of the Berlin wall, Eastern and Western Germany are officially united, thus bringing to a halt 45 years of continuous division of the country and the Cold War.

In 2004, the American actress Janet Leigh, known for her role in the Hitchcock film Psycho, dies.


1960 - at the top of the American singles chart is Rickie Valance with 'Tell Laura I love her'.

1967 - American singer and guru of American folk music Woody Guthrie dies. He strongly influenced the work of Bob Dylan.

1987 - M/A/R/S is at the top of the British singles chart with 'Pump Up The Volume'.

1999 - Tom Jones takes the No. 1 spot on the British albums chart with 'Reload', on the same album is also his hit 'Sexbomb'.


1938 - singer Eddie Cochran (1958 'Summertime Blues').

1941 - singer Chubby Checker (1960 'The Twist').

1947 - Lindsey Buckingham, guitarist and singer in the group Fleetwood Mac (1987 'Little Lies').

1962 - Tommy Lee, drummer and founder of the group Motley Crue (1988 'You're All I Need').

1969 - Gwen Stefani, singer in the group No Doubt (1997 ‘Don’t Speak’).

1978 - Jake Shears, singer with Scissor Sisters ('I don't feel like dancing).


Leta 1226 je umrl italijanski svetnik Frančišek Asiški.

Leta 1929 se država Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev preimenuje v Jugoslavijo.

Leta 1988 ameriški raketoplan Discovery po štiridnevni misiji v vesolju varno pristane na Zemlji. To je bil prvi polet ameriškega raketoplana po katastrofi Challengerja.

Leta 1990 sta se z rušenjem Berlinskega zidu uradno združili Vzhodna in Zahodna Nemčija in tako prekinili 45 let trajajočo delitev države in hladno vojno.

Leta 2004 je umrla ameriška igralka Janet Leigh, znana po vlogi v Hitchcockovem filmu Psiho.


1960 - na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov je Rickie Valance s 'Tell Laura I love her'.

1967 - umrl je ameriški pevec folk glasbe Woody Guthrie.

1987 - M/A/R/S so na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov s 'Pump Up The Volume'.

1999 - Tom Jones zasede vrh britanske lestvice z albumom 'Reload', na katerem je tudi 'Sexbomb'.


1938 - pevec Eddie Cochran (1958 'Summertime Blues').

1941 - pevec Chubby Checker (1960 'The Twist').

1947 - Lindsey Buckingham, pevec skupine Fleetwood Mac (1987 'Little Lies').

1962 - Tommy Lee, bobnar in ustanovitelj skupine Motley Crue (1988 'You're All I Need').

1969 - Gwen Stefani, pevka zasedbe No Doubt (1997 ‘Don’t Speak’).