Urška Žolnir won Olimpic medal. Photo: Reuters Foto:
Urška Žolnir won Olimpic medal. Photo: Reuters Foto:

In 1836, the Slovenian caver Luka Čeč dies. He is known for his discovery in 1818 of the unknown part of the Postojna cave.

In 1866, the Hungarian pianist and composer Franz Liszt dies.
In 1914, one of the giants of French comedy Louis de Funes is born.

In 1944, the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery is born. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince.

In 1962, the American actor Wesley Snipes is born.

In 1965, the British novelist J. K. Rowling, best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, is born.

In 1976, NASA publishes the famous photo of the face on Mars.


1959 - Cliff Richard is at the top of the British singles chart with 'Living Doll'.

1968 - Tommy James and The Shondells are at the top of the British singles chart with 'Mony Mony'. Also Billy Idol with an adaptation of the song in 1987 got to the top of the charts.

1985 - Eurythmics is at the top of the British charts with 'There Must Be An Angel’.

1985 - Paul Young is at the top of the American singles chart with 'Everytime You Go Away'.

1999 - Christina Aguilera is at the top of the British singles chart with her first song 'Genie In A Bottle’.


1946 - Gary Lewis, singer in Gary Lewis and The Playboys ('This Diamond Ring').

1964 - Jim Corr, Irish singer in the family group The Corrs, in which his younger three sisters also sing.



Leta 1727 je umrl angleški fizik, matematik in astronom Isaac Newton. Z gravitacijskim zakonom je pojasnil gibanje planetov in Lune.

Leta 1836 je umrl slovenski jamar Luka Čeč, ki je poznan po odkritju do leta 1818 neznanega dela Postojnske jame.

Leta 1866 je umrl madžarski pianist in skladatelj Franz Liszt.

Leta 1870 se je rodil slovenski pesnik in humorist Rado Murnik. Njegovo najbolj znano delo je Lepi janičar.

Leta 1944 umrl francoski pisatelj Antoine de Saint-Exupery, avtor Malega princa.

Leta 1962 se je rodil ameriški igralec Wesley Snipes.

Leta 1965 se je rodila britanska pisateljica J. K. Rowling, ki je napisala knjige o čarovniku Harryju Potterju.

Leta 1976 je Nasa objavila fotografijo obraza na Marsu.

Leta 2012 postane judoistka Urška Žolnir olimpijska zmagovalka v kategoriji do 63 kg.


1959 - Cliff Richard je na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'Living Doll'.

1968 - Tommy James in The Shondells so na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov z 'Mony Mony'. Billy Idol je s priredbo skladbe leta 1987 osvojil vrh lestvice.

1985 - The Eurythmics sta na vrhu britanske lestvice z 'There Must Be An Angel’.

1985 - Paul Young je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Everytime You Go Away'.

1999 - Christina Aguilera je na vrhu ameriške in britanske lestvice singlov z 'Genie In A Bottle’.


1946 - Gary Lewis, pevec v Gary Lewis and The Playboys ('This Diamond Ring').

1964 - Jim Corr, irski pevec v družinski skupini The Corrs (2000 'Breathless'), v kateri pojejo tudi njegove tri sestre.