Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1858, the physicist Mihajlo Pupin is born. He patented a number of inventions, among which is the best known coil, which enables the transmission of telephone calls over long distances.

In 1883, the Orient Express set off on its first trip. The name indicates a train to runs long distances. This famous train has appeared in several films and books. Among other things the train was used in the film From Russia With Love. The most famous literary work is Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie.

In 1895, the comic Buster Keaton is born.

In 1924, the American actor Charlton Heston is born.

In 1946, actress Susan Sarandon is born.

In 1952, Paul Zoll developed the first pacemaker.

In 1957, the USSR launched the first satellite, Sputnik, during its flight it made the first recordings of Siberia; it also served the purpose of spying.

In 1975, the Slovenian yachtsman Vasilij Žbogar is born.


1969 - Creedence Clearwater Revival is No. 1 on the American albums chart with 'Green River'.

1969 - The Beatles are in the top spot on the British charts with their album 'Abbey Road'. The album also includes the songs 'Here Comes The Sun' and 'Come Together'.

1970 - American singer Janis Joplin is found dead, she took an overdose of heroin. A year later she is placed at the top of the American charts with the song 'Me And Bobby McGee'.

1975 - Pink Floyd is at the No. 1 spot on the British charts with their album 'Wish You Were Here'.

1980 - Queen is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Another One Bites The Dust'.


1929 - Singer Leroy Van Dyke (1961 'Walk On By').

1959 - Chris Lowe, keyboard player in the duet Pet Shop Boys (1986 'West End Girls').

1961 - American singer Jon Secada ('Just Another Day').


Leta 1883 je šel na prvo vožnjo vlak Orient Ekspres. Ime označuje vlak za vožnjo na dolge razdalje. Ta slavni vlak se je večkrat pojavil v filmih in knjigah. Na vlaku je bil posnet film Iz Rusije z ljubeznijo, najbolj znano knjižno delo pa je Umor na Orient Ekspresu Agathe Christie.

Leta 1582 je papež Gregor XIII. uvedel gregorijanski koledar. Od takrat ima vsako leto 365 dni, vsako četrto pa 366 in je prestopno leto.

Leta 1858 se je rodil fizik Mihajlo Pupin. Patentiral je vrsto izumov, med katerimi je najbolj znana tuljava, ki omogoča prenos telefonskih pogovorov na velike razdalje.

Leta 1895 se je rodil komik Buster Keaton.

Leta 1924 se je rodil ameriški filmski igralec Charlton Heston.

Leta 1946 se je rodila igralka Susan Sarandon.

Leta 1952 je Paul Zoll razvil prvi srčni spodbujevalnik.

Leta 1957 je Sovjetska zveza izstrelila prvi zemeljski satelit Sputnik, z njim so opravljali prva snemanja Sibirije, služil pa je tudi v vohunske namene.

Leta 1975 se je rodil slovenski jadralec Vasilij Žbogar.


1969 - Creedence Clearwater Revival so na vrhu ameriške lestvice albumov z 'Green River'.

1969 - The Beatles so z albumom 'Abbey Road' na 1. mestu britanske lestvice. Na njem sta tudi 'Here Comes The Sun' in 'Come Together'.

1970 - pevko Janis Joplin so našli mrtvo, vzela je prevelik odmerek heroina. Leto dni kasneje je prišla vrh ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Me And Bobby McGee'.

1975 - Pink Floyd so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Wish You Were Here'.

1980 - Queen so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Another One Bites The Dust'.


1929 - pevec Leroy Van Dyke (1961 'Walk On By').

1959 - Chris Lowe, klaviaturist dueta Pet Shop Boys (1986 'West End Girls').

1961 - ameriški pevec Jon Secada ( 'Just Another Day').