Foto: AP
Foto: AP

In 1917 actress Zsa Zsa Gabor is born.

In 1952 after the death of King George VI the British crown passes to Elizabeth II.

In 1958 in a plane crash in Munich eight footballers from Manchester United die.

In 1989 the last person trying to escape over the Berlin Wall is killed. It was Chris Gueffroy.


1965 - The Rolling Stones are No. 1 on the British albums chart with 'Rolling Stones No. 2', including 'Time is on my side'.

1982 - Kraftwerk is at No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'The Model / Computer Love'.

1998 - Austrian singer Falco dies in a traffic accident ('Rock Me Amadeus).

2011 - Irish guitarist and singer Gary Moore dies in his sleep of a heart attack ('Still got the blues').

2014 - Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' is named as the greatest song of all time by British weekly music journalism publication, New Musical Express.


1945 - Jamaican singer Bob Marley ('One love').

1950 - Singer Natalie Cole ('Miss you like crazy').

1962 - Axl Rose, singer in Guns N' Roses ('Sweet child of mine').


Leta 1900 so v Haagu ustanovili mednarodno arbitražno sodišče.

Leta 1917 se je rodila igralka Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Leta 1952 je britanski prestol po smrti kralja Jurija VI. zasedla Elizabeta II.

Leta 1955 je umrl pomembni slovenski etnograf France Kotnik, ki je preučeval slovenske narodne običaje, kmečko hišo, prehrano na vasi in narodne noše.

Leta 1958 je v letalski nesreči v Munchnu umrlo osem nogometašev Manchester Uniteda.

Leta 1977 se je rodil telovadec Mitja Petkovšek.

Leta 1989 je na begu čez Berlinski zid umrla zadnja žrtev, to je bil Chris Gueffroy.


1965 - The Rolling Stones so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Rolling Stones No. 2', na katerem je tudi 'Time is on my side'.

1982 - zasedba Kraftwerk je na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov z 'The Model / Computer Love'.

1998 - v prometni nesreči je umrl avstrijski pevec Falco ('Rock Me Amadeus).

2011 - umrl je irski kitarist in pevec Gary Moore ('Still got the blues').

2014 - britanski glasbeni časopis New Musical Express je pesem 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' skupine Nirvana imenoval za 'pesem vseh časov'.


1945 - jamajški pevec Bob Marley ('One love').

1950 - pevka Natalie Cole ('Miss you like crazy').

1962 - Axl Rose, pevec v G'N'R ('Sweet child of mine').