Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1921, the American swimmer and actress Esther Jane Williams is born.

In 1929, the German airship Graf Zeppelin operates regular transatlantic flights from Germany to North America and Brazil.

In 1937, the American actor Dustin Hoffman is born.

In 1945, after the Americans dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Russia declares war on Japan.

In 1945, France, the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union sign an agreement on the establishment of an international tribunal in Nuremberg, where the trial of war criminals of Nazi Germany would be held.

In 1963, 15 robbers carried out the historic mail train robbery between Glasgow and London, in which they stole 2. 55 million pounds

In 1974, after the Watergate scandal, which took place between 1972 and 1974, U. S. President Richard Nixon stepped down from office.

In 1981, the Swiss professional tennis player Roger Federer is born.


1963 - The Searchers are at the top of the British singles chart with 'Sweets For My Sweet'.

1981 - MTV transmits its first stereo concert starring the group REO Speedwagon. In Denver the group presented their album Hi Infidelity, on it was also the song ‘Keep On Loving You’.

1987 - U2 is at the top of the American albums chart with 'Joshua Tree', on the record is also 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'.

1992 - Madonna takes the No. 1 spot on the American charts with 'This Used To Be My Playground'.

1992 - Snap! are at the top of the British singles chart with 'Rhythm Is A Dancer'.


1961 - guitarist in the group U2 Dave Evans, known as The Edge (1984 'Pride').

1973 - Scott Stapp, singer in the group Creed (2001 'With Arms Wide Open').



Leta 1786 sta Michael Gabriel Paccard in Jacques Balmat kot prva človeka osvojila Mont Blanc.

Leta 1921 se je rodila Esther Jane Williams, ameriška plavalka in igralka.

Leta 1929 je nemški cepelin Graf Zeppelin začel polet okoli sveta.

Leta 1937 se je rodil igralec Dustin Hoffman.

Leta 1945 je Rusija, potem ko so Američani odvrgli prvo atomsko bombo na Hirošimo, napovedala vojno Japonski.

Leta 1945 so Francija, Velika Britanija, ZDA in Sovjetska zveza podpisale sporazum o ustanovitvi mednarodnega sodišča v Nurnbergu, kjer bi sodili vojnim zločincem nacistične Nemčije.

Leta 1963 je 15 roparjev izvedlo zgodovinski rop poštnega vlaka na relaciji Glasgow-London, ukradli so 2,55 milijona funtov.

Leta 1974 je po aferi Watergate odstopil predsednik ZDA Richard Nixon.

Leta 1981 se je rodil švicarski teniški igralec Roger Federer.


1963 - The Searchers so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Sweets For My Sweet'.

1981 - MTV prenaša prvi stereo koncert, skupine REO Speedwagon. V Denverju predstavijo album Hi Infidelity, na katerem je tudi pesem ‘Keep On Loving You’.

1987 - U2 so na vrhu ameriške lestvice albumov z 'Joshua Tree', na njem je tudi pesem 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'.

1992 - Madonna zasede vrh ameriške lestvice z 'This Used To Be My Playground'.

1992 - Snap! je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Rhythm Is A Dancer'.


1961 - kitarist skupine U2 Dave Evans, znan kot The Edge (1984 'Pride').

1973 - Scott Stapp, pevec skupine Creed (2001 'With Arms Wide Open').