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Pogačar Wins Final Mountain Stage at Giro d'Italia to Cement Overall Victory

News Pogačar Wins Final Mountain Stage at Giro d'Italia to Cement Overall Victory


Pogačar finished more than 2 minutes ahead of the nearest group. He sprinted clear of the bunch around 35 km from the finish on the final climb, the Monte Grappa, passing Guilio Pellizarri of Italy, the youngest rider in the race.

Dončič Helps Mavericks Claim 2-0 Lead in Western Conference Finals

News Dončič Helps Mavericks Claim 2-0 Lead in Western Conference Finals


Dončič threw the winning 3-point score with just three seconds left on the clock. He also achieved his 8th post-season triple-double in 42 games, with 32 points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds.

Start of summer season of charter flights

News Start of summer season of charter flights


The summer season of charter flights at Ljubljana Airport kicked off today and will offer flights to 57 destinations.

Euranet Plus Special/Gen Z: Okoljska politika EU in mladi

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/Gen Z: Okoljska politika EU in mladi


EU je s svojimi ambicioznimi podnebnimi cilji v svetovnem merilu ena vodilnih regij v boju proti podnebnim spremembam. Ali so bile podnebne spremembe prioriteta vladajočim v EU v tem zakonodajnem mandatu? Kako okoljsko politiko EU dojemajo mladi?

Good Neighbours – Home

Fresh Cut Good Neighbours – Home


Angleški duo Good Neighbors je izdal osupljivo debitantsko himno z naslovom Home, ki bi jo lahko opisali kot iskreno hvalnico prijateljstvu.

MPs confirm cultural rights of ex-Yugoslav communities

News MPs confirm cultural rights of ex-Yugoslav communities


The coalition says the act on the cultural rights of ex-Yugoslav communities in Slovenia implements a promise from the independence referendum.

V Vodnem mestu Atlantis vse nared za novo sezono

Coming up V Vodnem mestu Atlantis vse nared za novo sezono


Nova sezona oddaj Naj kopališče se začenja v Atlantisu!

Eric Clapton – Prayer of a Child

Fresh Cut Eric Clapton – Prayer of a Child


Legendarni blues kitarist Eric Clapton je izdal novo pesem z naslovom Prayer of a Child. Skladbo najdemo na nedavno izdanem albumu To Save A Child, ki je pravzaprav posnetek bolj intimnega koncerta v Londonu.

Volleyballer beginnen mit Spielen in der Nations League

News Volleyballer beginnen mit Spielen in der Nations League


Das dritte und letzte Turnier ereignet sich vom 18. bis 23. Juni in Ljubljana.

V sklopu nacionalnega tedna prostovoljstva številni dogodki po celotni državi

Coming up V sklopu nacionalnega tedna prostovoljstva številni dogodki po celotni državi


Slovenska filantropija že tradicionalna organizira 25. Nacionalni teden prostovoljstva, ki letos poteka med 20. in 26. majem.

Night Tapes – Projections

Fresh Cut Night Tapes – Projections


Londonski dream pop trio Night Tapes bo v začetku junija izdal težko pričakovani EP z naslovom Assisted Memories, na katerem ne bo manjkalo barvitih zvokov 80-ih, ki nas popeljejo v skrivnostni meditativni svet.

Calls for introduction of plastic bottles refund system

News Calls for introduction of plastic bottles refund system


The government faces growing calls for the introduction of a deposit refund system for plastic bottles in shops.

Land of Dreams: Steve Hawley

Don't miss Land of Dreams: Steve Hawley


Meet Steve Hawley, an Englishman in Slovenia.

Post Malone & Morgan Wallen – I Had Some Help

Fresh Cut Post Malone & Morgan Wallen – I Had Some Help


Priljubljeni ameriški glasbenik Post Malone se v zadnjem času od rapa vedno bolj pomika h country glasbi.

Anita Ogulin mit goldenen Verdienstorden ausgezeichnet

News Anita Ogulin mit goldenen Verdienstorden ausgezeichnet


Die Staatspräsidentin Nataša Pirc Musar hat die humanitäre Helferin Anita Ogulin mit dem Goldenen Verdienstorden für ihr Lebenswerk, ehrenamtliches Engagement und ihren Einsatz für Menschen in Not geehrt.

SPOTLIGHT:  7th World Bee Day highlights active youth

Coming up SPOTLIGHT: 7th World Bee Day highlights active youth


On Saturday, the official ceremony took place marking the 21st Slovenian beekeeping holiday and the 7th World Bee Day, which is marked today.

Beabadoobee – Take A Bite

Fresh Cut Beabadoobee – Take A Bite


Beatrice "Bea" Kristi Ilejay Laus je filipinsko-angleška indie glasbenica, ki deluje pod imenom Beabadoobee.

Pogačar Wins Queen Stage of Giro d'Italia in Spectacular Fashion

News Pogačar Wins Queen Stage of Giro d'Italia in Spectacular Fashion


The stage, which was over 222 km long, began on the shores of Lake Garda and finished near the border with Switzerland. It incorporated the most climbing metres of any of the last 30 Grand Tours. Pogačar won in just under 6 hours and 12 minutes.

Hočevar Becomes New European Whitewater Canoeing Champion

News Hočevar Becomes New European Whitewater Canoeing Champion


Slovenia dominated the whitewater canoeing final of the European Canoe Slalom Championships in Tacen, to the northwest of Ljubljana. Žiga Lin Hočevar took gold today on the Sava river, ahead of Luka Božic and Olympic champion Benjamin Savšek.

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