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Radio Si - Archive

Pet Shop Boys – Loneliness

Fresh Cut Pet Shop Boys – Loneliness


Konec januarja je britanski glasbeni duet Pet Shop Boys kot uvodni single za prihajajoči petnajsti album Nonetheless izdal skladbo Loneliness.

Prevc gewinnt in Sapporo

News Prevc gewinnt in Sapporo


Domen Prevc erzielte den 80. Einzelsieg der Skispringer beim Weltcup im japanischen Sapporo. r

Domen Prevc Wins in Sapporo, Japan

News Domen Prevc Wins in Sapporo, Japan


Prevc led after the first round with a jump of 136.5 metres. He finished with overall victory ahead of local favourite Ryoyu Kobayashi and Norway's Kristoffer Eriksen Sundal.

PM Golob calls for a ceasefire in Gaza

News PM Golob calls for a ceasefire in Gaza


Efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in Gaza dominate PM Golob's visit at the Munich Security Conference.

Global Vibes w/ the Croatian community in Slovenia

Coming up Global Vibes w/ the Croatian community in Slovenia


Global Vibes - A music-filled show on Radio Si which catches the vibes of the international communities in Slovenia!

Mongolia: Valley of the Bears wins festival award

News Mongolia: Valley of the Bears wins festival award


The film convinced the jury and took home the top prize of the 18th Mountaineering Film Festival.

Euranet Plus Special / Gen Z: Ali mlade zanima politika?

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special / Gen Z: Ali mlade zanima politika?


Milijoni Evropejk in Evropejcev bodo imeli priložnost sodelovati na evropskih volitvah, med njimi tudi številni mladi ljudje. A mlade sploh zanimajo volitve in politika? Spraševali smo dijake in profesorje na GFML.

Bleachers – Tiny Moves

Fresh Cut Bleachers – Tiny Moves


V začetku marca izide peti studijski album vse bolj popularne ameriške indie zasedbe Bleachers. Istoimenska plošča nekolika spominja na zgodnje izdaje francoske skupine Phoenix in pop-rock iz 80-ih.

Justice Minister to lose mandate

News Justice Minister to lose mandate


National Assembly informed of the resignation of the Justice Minister.

Bob Marley že v kinu!

Coming up Bob Marley že v kinu!


Biografska drama Bob Marley: One love je svetovno premiero doživel na Jamajki.

Still Corners – The Dream

Fresh Cut Still Corners – The Dream


Londonski duet Still Corners je pred izidom šestega studijskega albuma Dream Talks v poslušanje ponudil enigmatičen single The Dream.

Number of newborns hits record low

News Number of newborns hits record low


The number of newborns last year was the lowest in the past 100 years, however thanks to positive migration rates the number of Slovenian citizens continues to increase.

Tones And I – Dreaming

Fresh Cut Tones And I – Dreaming


Dreaming je naslov prvega singla, s prihajajočega albuma avstralske glasbenice Toni Watson, ki jo poznate pod imenom Tones And I.

Der 13. Februar ist der Welttag des Radios

Radio Si Der 13. Februar ist der Welttag des Radios


Das Radio vermittelt vor allem gute und glaubwürdige Informationen

Izluščeno, 13. feb: Vloga radia ob svetovnem dnevu radia

Coming up Izluščeno, 13. feb: Vloga radia ob svetovnem dnevu radia


E. Kudlačova: ,,Sobivanje digitalnih vsebin in analognega radia je obvezno.''

Nothing But Thieves – Oh No :: He Said What?

Fresh Cut Nothing But Thieves – Oh No :: He Said What?


Britanska rock zasedba Nothing But Thieves je objavila energičen singel Oh No :: He Said What? in napovedala izdajo Deluxe različice albuma Dead Club City.

Land of Dreams: Juned Kemer - Johnny

Don't miss Land of Dreams: Juned Kemer - Johnny


Meet Juned Kemer a.k.a Johnny, a Pakistani in Slovenia.

Odprte prijave  za Zurich Innovation Championship

Coming up Odprte prijave za Zurich Innovation Championship


Objavljena peta edicija Zurich Innovation Championship, največje globalno tekmovanje v inovacijah v zavarovalništvu, odprto tudi za slovenska zagonska podjetja. Več informacij v oddaji Izluščeno, v ponedeljek med 9. in 10. uro.

Billy Joel – Turn the Lights Back On

Fresh Cut Billy Joel – Turn the Lights Back On


Legendarni ameriški glasbenik Billy Joel, ki je zadnjo pop ploščo River Of Dreams izdal pred 31 leti, se predstavlja s skladbo z naslovom Turn the Lights Back On.

Kos secures silver in Lake Placid

News Kos secures silver in Lake Placid


Lovro Kos secured second place in today’s individual Ski Jumping World Cup event in Lake Placid. This comes after the 24-year-old won yesterday’s event.

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