Workers have broken through the first tunnel for the second railway track between Koper and Divača. The tunnel near Črn Kal is the first of a total of 7 tunnels on the route. The ceremony in the tunnel was attended by the infrastructure minsters of Slovenia and Turkey, as the track is being constructed in cooperation with Turkish companies. Pavle Hevka, the head of the state-run 2TDK company managing the poject, said he was happy that the first tunnel was built ahead of schedule and with a lower budget than expected. The second rail track between Koper and Divača is expected to be completed by the year 2026. It will shorten travel times and increase the flow of cargo towards the Port of Koper.

Photo: Tjaša Škamperle/Radio Koper
Photo: Tjaša Škamperle/Radio Koper