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Euranet Plus Special / Can EU do this?: Ohranjanje kupne moči prebivalstva v EU

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special / Can EU do this?: Ohranjanje kupne moči prebivalstva v EU


Sposobnost Evropske unije, da zagotovi materialno blaginjo za svoje državljane, je v središču razlogov njenega obstoja in eno njenih najmočnejših orodij za zagotavljanje podpore svojih državljanov. Kako to ohraniti? Več v prispevku Euranet Special!

Oddaja Euranet Plus, 1.6.

Coming up Oddaja Euranet Plus, 1.6.


Pregledali smo novosti v Evropi in EU in podrobneje preverili tudi selitev slovenskega predstavništva v nove prostore v Bruslju. V prispevku Euranet Special pa o tem, kaj lahko EU stori, glede ohranjanja kupne moči prebivalstva. Prisluhnite!

Tax reforms to be presented for public debate

News Tax reforms to be presented for public debate


The proposals have not been enshrined into law yet but will soon be open to debate.

Empire Of The Sun – Music On The Radio

Fresh Cut Empire Of The Sun – Music On The Radio


Po singlu Changes je avstralski glasbeni dvojec Empire Of The Sun izdal novi single z naslovom Music On The Radio.

Slovenia has been drawn in Group G

News Slovenia has been drawn in Group G


Slovenia is in Group G of the next men's handball world championship and will play against Cuba, Iceland and Cape Verde.

Zakulisje 77. filmskega festivala v Cannesu

Coming up Zakulisje 77. filmskega festivala v Cannesu


Filmski festival v Cannesu se je zaključil, nagrade so podeljene.

RadioSi Main Stage - LEOPOLD I.

Radio Si Main Stage RadioSi Main Stage - LEOPOLD I.


Ta četrtek, 06.06.2024 dopoldan še zadnjič pred poletnim premorom – ekskluzivno na našem odru – V ŽIVO! … LEOPOLD I. in DRÜGI – hip hop pogon, ki pomursko narečje prepleta z družbeno kritičnimi besedili – LEOPOLD I. in DRÜGI!

Government expected to endorse motion to recognize Palestine

News Government expected to endorse motion to recognize Palestine


The government is today expected to endorse the motion to recognize the state of Palestine and refer the motion to the National Assembly for final approval. The MPs could vote on the recognition as early as next week.

Future & Metro Boomin & The Weeknd – We Still Don't Trust You

Fresh Cut Future & Metro Boomin & The Weeknd – We Still Don't Trust You


Pred kratim je izšel zelo dobro ocenjen R&B album We Still Don't Trust You, na katerem se je ob glavnih glasbenikih Futuru in Metro Boominu zbrala skoraj celotna smetana ameriške rap glasbe.

Hinds & Beck – Boom Boom Back

Fresh Cut Hinds & Beck – Boom Boom Back


V začetku septembra izide težko pričakovani četrti studijski album španskega garažnega dueta Hinds z naslovom Viva Hinds.

Golob kündigt Verfahren für Anerkennung Palästinas an

News Golob kündigt Verfahren für Anerkennung Palästinas an


Premierminister Robert Golob kündigte gestern an, dass auf der Regierungssitzung am Donnerstag die Anerkennung Palästinas auf der Tagesordnung stehen wird.

The Script – Both Ways

Fresh Cut The Script – Both Ways


The Script je priljubljen irski rock kvartet, ki bo sredi avgusta izdal sedmi studijski album Satellites.

Forest Week starts in Slovenia

News Forest Week starts in Slovenia


Just over 61% of Slovenia's territory is covered by forests.

Slowenische Regierungsdelegation besucht Algerien

News Slowenische Regierungsdelegation besucht Algerien


Regierungschef Robert Golob und seine Delegation reisen zu einem offiziellen Besuch nach Algerien, wo ein Vertrag über die Fortsetzung der algerischen Gaslieferungen nach Slowenien unterzeichnet wird.

Billie Eilish – Lunch

Fresh Cut Billie Eilish – Lunch


Ameriška pop zvezdnica Billie Eilish je pred dnevi izdala tretji studijski album Hit Me Hard and Soft.

Tadej Pogačar gewinnt 107. Italien Rundfahrt

News Tadej Pogačar gewinnt 107. Italien Rundfahrt


Radprofi Tadej Pogačar hat die 107. Italien Rundfahrt gewonnen. Die 21. und letzte Etappe gewann Tim Merlier. Pogacar genügte heute auf der letzten Etappe in Rom ein Platz im Hauptfeld.

Pogačar wins first Giro d' Italia

News Pogačar wins first Giro d' Italia


Slovenian cyclist Tadej Pogačar won his first Giro d' Italia in Rome today and third Grand Tour.

Charity Cycle in Ljubljana Today in Aid of Ukraine

News Charity Cycle in Ljubljana Today in Aid of Ukraine


It began at 10.30 a.m. and lasted around 2 hours. It started near Koseze Pond and ended in Mostec.

Tamara Zidanšek in 1st Round of French Open Today

News Tamara Zidanšek in 1st Round of French Open Today


It will be Zidanšek's 6th time playing on the clay at Roland Garros. She is ranked 131st in the world and had to get through three rounds of qualifying to reach the first round. She has been as high as 22nd in the singles rankings.

Annual Bled Lake Clean-up Operation Collects Record Amount of Waste

News Annual Bled Lake Clean-up Operation Collects Record Amount of Waste


The event was organised by the Bled Society for Underwater Activities in cooperation with the Slovenian Diving Association, the Bled Fishing Family, the local municipality and the public utility company of Infrastruktura Bled.

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