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James Vincent McMorrow – Give Up

Fresh Cut James Vincent McMorrow – Give Up


Irski pevec, tekstopisec in producent James Vincent McMorrow je objavil single Give Up, ki bo del njegovega prihajajočega sedmega studijskega albuma Wide Open, Horses.

Ohranjajmo humanost živo

Coming up Ohranjajmo humanost živo


Od srede naprej bodo torej po vsej državi potekale številne aktivnosti, ter prodaja doplačilnih znamk in vozovnic na vseh poštah ter vseh železniških in avtobusnih postajah v Sloveniji.  

St. Vincent – Big Time Nothing

Fresh Cut St. Vincent – Big Time Nothing


Vsestranska ameriška glasbenica Anne Erin Clark, ki že več kot dve desetletji deluje pod imenom St. Vincent, je konec aprila izdala težko pričakovani sedmi studijski album All Born Screaming.

Pogačar Wins Stage 2 of Giro d'Italia, Takes Over Race Leader's Jersey

News Pogačar Wins Stage 2 of Giro d'Italia, Takes Over Race Leader's Jersey


Pogačar won stage 2 of the Giro d'Italia, or Tour of Italy, despite a crash after suffering a puncture before the final climb to Oropa. He attacked on the climb with about 4.5 km of the stage to go. He took victory on the 161 km stage by 27 seconds.

Foreign Minister visiting Israel and the West Bank today

News Foreign Minister visiting Israel and the West Bank today


Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon is visiting Israel and the West Bank today to discuss conflict resolution.

Dončić's Dallas through to Western Conference semi-finals

News Dončić's Dallas through to Western Conference semi-finals


The Dallas Mavericks, headed by Slovenian basketball star Luka Dončić, have advanced to the NBA Western Conference semi-finals.

Euranet Plus Special/Gen Z: EU za vso mladino?

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/Gen Z: EU za vso mladino?


Evropska unija že desetletja izvaja številne evropske programe za mlade, ki slednjim ponujajo raznolike možnosti sodelovanja med organizacijami in posamezniki iz držav programa ter sosedskih partnerskih držav.

Today is world press freedom day

News Today is world press freedom day


Reporters Without Borders have highlighted that Slovenian journalists face political and economic pressures despite a solid legal framework for media freedom.

Naša svoboda je odvisna od svobode medijev

Coming up Naša svoboda je odvisna od svobode medijev


Zaradi razvoja digitalnih tehnologij in zaradi spremembe poslovnih modelov, imajo novinarji ter mediji pred sabo mnogo odprtih vprašanj.

Honne – Imaginary

Fresh Cut Honne – Imaginary


Angleški elektro pop duo Honney, ki letos zaznamuje deset let delovanja, je do zdaj izdal albume: Warm on a Cold Night, Love Me/Love Me Not in Let's Just Say the World Ended a Week from Now, What Would You Do?.

Coming up "Borbike" zmagovalke Festivala neodvisnega filma


Na 24. Festivalu neodvisnega filma v Slovenski kinoteki je glavno nagrado prejel animirani film Borbike Nike Jurman. Posebne omembe so prejeli filmi Barcelona, WC kaseta in Laster.

Lucky Daye – HERicane

Fresh Cut Lucky Daye – HERicane


Lucky Daye je večkrat nagrajeni R&B izvajalec iz New Orleansa, ki kljub številnim glasbenim uspehom še vedno ostaja nekako v ozadju.

Slovenia marks EU membership 20 years to the day

News Slovenia marks EU membership 20 years to the day


Twenty years to the day, Slovenia joined the EU together with another nine countries in what has been the biggest round of EU enlargement to date.

1.Mai - Internationaler Tag der Arbeit

News 1.Mai - Internationaler Tag der Arbeit


Der heutige 1. Mai -- Tag der Arbeit war im Zeichen zahlreicher Veranstaltungen.

Sabrina Carpenter – Espresso

Fresh Cut Sabrina Carpenter – Espresso


Po nepričakovanem uspehu albuma iz leta 2022 Emails I Can't Send si je Sabrina Carpenter uspešno tlakovala glasbeno pot na mainstream sceno.

Mark Ambor – Belong Together

Fresh Cut Mark Ambor – Belong Together


Ameriški pevec in tekstopisec Mark Ambor je sredi februarja izdal nalezljivo skladbo z naslovom Belong Together, ki z živahnimi in optimističnimi vibracijami prinaša sporočilo ljubezni in povezanosti.

Ljubljana Airport introduces new route to Copenhagen

News Ljubljana Airport introduces new route to Copenhagen


Ljubljana Airport inaugurated a new route to Copenhagen today. Operated by Norwegian, the new route is part of a state subsidy initiative to enhance Slovenia's air connectivity.

Celje is national champion

News Celje is national champion


Celje only needed a draw to win the championship, but secured it by defeating Ljubljana.

SPOTLIGHT: Venice implements entry fee to tackle overtourism

Coming up SPOTLIGHT: Venice implements entry fee to tackle overtourism


As of a few days ago, you will have to pay 5-euro entry fee to visit Venice for a day. This fee is part of the city's efforts to address its struggle with mass tourism.

Taylor Swift & Post Malone – Fortnight

Fresh Cut Taylor Swift & Post Malone – Fortnight


Pred nekaj dnevi je ameriška pop zvezdnica Taylor Swift izdala enajsti studijski album The Tortured Poets Department, s katerega vam predstavljamo aktualni single Fortnight.

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