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Radio Si - Archive

Andreja Ravnak ist Reisefotografin des Jahres 2023

News Andreja Ravnak ist Reisefotografin des Jahres 2023


Die slowenische Fotografin Andreja Ravnak hat den weltweiten Wettbewerb um den Titel "Reisefotograf des Jahres 2023" gewonnen.

Slovenian becomes Travel Photographer of the Year

News Slovenian becomes Travel Photographer of the Year


Andreja Ravnak is the second Slovenian to win the Travel Photographer of the Year award, following Matjaž Krivic in 2022.

SPOTLIGHT: Famous London cemetery to re-use graves

Coming up SPOTLIGHT: Famous London cemetery to re-use graves


The cemetery has decided to take back ownership of long-abandoned graves so they can be used for fresh burials.

Euranet Plus Special/ Gen Z: Prihodnost mladih v Evropski uniji

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/ Gen Z: Prihodnost mladih v Evropski uniji


Generacija Z počasi stopa v ospredje. Kako oni vidijo Evropsko unijo, kaj jim pomeni in ali se bodo udeležili evropskih volitev?

Fajon attending UN meeting on the Middle East

News Fajon attending UN meeting on the Middle East


The foreign minister will attend ministerial meetings to try to make progress on the ongoing issues in the Middle East.

RadioSi Main Stage - BEFORE TIME

Radio Si Main Stage RadioSi Main Stage - BEFORE TIME


MainStage gre tudi v leto 2024!!! V četrtek, 01.02.2024 dopoldan, ekskluzivno na našem odru v živo, Before Time. Mladi in obetavni rockerji ter zmagovalci natečaja Šourock2023.

Ariana Grande – Yes, And?

Fresh Cut Ariana Grande – Yes, And?


Pop zvezdnica Ariana Grande se po treh letih premora vrača na glasbeno sceno z novim singlom Yes, And?.

Ärztestreik geht in die zweite Woche

News Ärztestreik geht in die zweite Woche


Der Streik der Ärzte und Zahnärzte geht in die zweite Woche und soll sich zuspitzen.

Icy weekend overhwhelms hospitals

News Icy weekend overhwhelms hospitals


Dozens of patients were operated this weekend in both Ljubljana and Maribor after sustaining fractures.

Handball-EM: Slowenien morgen gegen Dänemark

News Handball-EM: Slowenien morgen gegen Dänemark


Anpfiff morgen ist um 18 Uhr, mit einer live-Übertragung auf dem 2. Kanal des RTVSLO.

Birds Around Us observing campaign takes flight

Coming up Birds Around Us observing campaign takes flight


Slovenia's varied landscape and climate offer a lot to ornithologists and amateur birdwatchers alike. Do you know which species are most common in your backyard?

The Black Keys – Beautiful People (Stay High)

Fresh Cut The Black Keys – Beautiful People (Stay High)


Beautiful People (Stay High) je naslov prvega singla s prihajajočega dvanajstega studijskega albuma Ohio Players, pod katerega se podpisuje ameriški rock glasbeni dvojec The Black Keys.

Inženirka leta 2023 je Ljupka Vrteva

Coming up Inženirka leta 2023 je Ljupka Vrteva


Danes deluje kot razvojna inženirka za področje ogrevanja, prezračevanja in hlajenja stavb, mladim dekletom pa sporoča, naj si upajo biti drugačne.

Slowenische Handballer siegen in der zweiten Runde

News Slowenische Handballer siegen in der zweiten Runde


Die slowenische Handball Nationalmannschaft hat bei der Europameisterschaft in Deutschland gegen die Niederlande mit 37:34 gewonnen.

Slovenia beats the US with 1:0

News Slovenia beats the US with 1:0


Slovenia was victorious in San Antonio, Texas, as it starts preparing for this summer's Euro 2024 tournament.

Global Vibes w/ the Indian community in Slovenia

Coming up Global Vibes w/ the Indian community in Slovenia


Global Vibes - A music-filled show on Radio Si which catches the vibes of the international communities in Slovenia!

Men's ski jumping team places second in Poland

News Men's ski jumping team places second in Poland


The Slovenian men’s team placed second in the team ski jumping event in Poland’s Zakopane today, with Lovro Kos, Domen Prevc, Peter Prevc, and Anže Lanišek.

Prevc and Križnar bag another Ski Jumping World Cup win

News Prevc and Križnar bag another Ski Jumping World Cup win


Slovenian ski jumpers Nika Prevc and Nika Križnar dominated the women's World Cup event in Zau, Japan, where they excelled in the pairs competition, surpassing Canada and Austria.

Oddaja EURANET PLUS, 20.01.2024

Coming up Oddaja EURANET PLUS, 20.01.2024


Med glavnimi temami preteklega tedna v povezavi z EU sta bili vzpon neofašizma v Evropi in razmere na Madžarskem, poslanci pa so glasovali tudi o direktivi za prepoved zavajajočih informacij o izdelkih in lažnem zelenem oglaševanju.

Snowfall disrupts traffic all over Slovenia

News Snowfall disrupts traffic all over Slovenia


Slovenia woke up to heavy winter conditions this morning.

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