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A recap of major events from recent days making headlines around the world.

Oddaja Euranet Plus, 13.1.

Coming up Oddaja Euranet Plus, 13.1.


Pozdravljeni v oddaji Euranet Plus! Ponovno je čas, da preverimo vse novosti in aktualnosti v zvezi z dodajanjem v Evropi in Evropski uniji. Pod drobnogled pa smo tokrat vzeli aktualne množične proteste na Poljskem. Vabljeni k poslušanju!

Mobilni heroji so končali prvi krog

Coming up Mobilni heroji so končali prvi krog


Rok za oddajo prijav za drugi krog usposabljanj je 22.januar, izvajanje usposabljanj digitalnih veščin pa se začenja 1.marca

The Maine & MisterWives – Leave in Five

Fresh Cut The Maine & MisterWives – Leave in Five


The Main je ameriška rock zasedba, ki je lani izdala deveti studijski album. Z indie-pop zasedbo MisterWives je konec lanskega leta objavila posodobljen single Leave in Five.

Oppenheimer zmagovalec zlatih globusov

Coming up Oppenheimer zmagovalec zlatih globusov


Prenovljeni in bolj politično korektni zlati globusi naj bi v bodoče poskrbeli za večjo raznolikost

Slovenian men's handball team to kick off 14th appearance at European Handball Championships

News Slovenian men's handball team to kick off 14th appearance at European Handball Championships


The Slovenian men's handball team will start its 14th appearance at European Handball Championships in Berlin this evening. Their first match will be against the Faeroe Islands.

Marf feat. Aron Blom – Headphones

Fresh Cut Marf feat. Aron Blom – Headphones


Marcus Adema je nizozemski glasbenik, znan kot Marf. Kot tekstopisec je med drugim sodeloval s Flemmingom in Jaapom Reesemo in pri uspešnici Miss You.

LKW-Terminal bei Luka Koper eröffnet

News LKW-Terminal bei Luka Koper eröffnet


Es verfügt über 203 Stellplätze für LKW und wird den Stadtverkehr von Koper entlasten.

SPOTLIGHT: Favorites celebrated at Golden Globe Awards

Coming up SPOTLIGHT: Favorites celebrated at Golden Globe Awards


The three-hour ceremony in Los Angeles marked the first ceremony since the Hollywood Foreign Press Association was disbanded. 

Mother of Melania Trump passes away at 78

News Mother of Melania Trump passes away at 78


The Slovenian mother of the former first lady has passed away.

Ilsye – No California

Fresh Cut Ilsye – No California


Ameriška glasbenica Ilsey Anna Juber z umetniškim imenom Ilsey je do zdaj sodelovala z umetniki, kot so Robin Schulz, Mark Ronson in Big Red Machine.

Lost Frequencies, Bastille – Head Down

Fresh Cut Lost Frequencies, Bastille – Head Down


Belgijski producent Felix De Laet, ki deluje pod imenom Lost Frequencies, se je povezal z britansko indie-pop zasedbo Bastille in k nedavno izdanemu tretjemu albumu All Stand Together dodal single Head Down.

Cave rescue operation ends with success

News Cave rescue operation ends with success


Due to rising water levels the family of three and two guides were trapped around 2.4 kilometres from the cave entrance.

Rettungsaktion in der Karsthöhle Križna Jama

News Rettungsaktion in der Karsthöhle Križna Jama


Die 5 Menschen sitzen seit Samstag in der Höhle fest

Zerb feat: Sofiy Nzau – Mwaki

Fresh Cut Zerb feat: Sofiy Nzau – Mwaki


Brazilski glasbeni producent Zerb je v sodelovanju s kenijsko pevko Sofiye Nzau izdal single z naslovom Mwaki.

Vlhova takes Golden Fox in Kranjska Gora

News Vlhova takes Golden Fox in Kranjska Gora


Slovakian skier Petra Vlhova won today's slalom at the 60th Golden Fox competition in Kranjska Gora, taking the main prize also in the overall total points.

Rescue Operation Underway for Five People Trapped in Cave

News Rescue Operation Underway for Five People Trapped in Cave


Cave rescuers from Postojna, Ljubljana and Novo mesto are among dozens of personnel trying to bring the five people to safety. A news conference was held at midday with an update on the rescue effort.

Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas Eve

News Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas Eve


Major Orthodox chruches celebrate Christmas Eve - from Russia to Serbia and Montenegro

Euranet Plus (6.1.2024)

Coming up Euranet Plus (6.1.2024)


S 1. januarjem je šestmesečno predsedovanje Svetu EU od Španije prevzela Belgija, ena od ustanovnih članic Evropske unije, ki bo tokrat predsedovala že trinajstič. Za geslo si je izbrala tri besede: ščititi, okrepitri, pripraviti.

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