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Slovenia remains unbeaten in the EuroBasket championship

Radio Si Slovenia remains unbeaten in the EuroBasket championship


The Slovenian men's national basketball team remains unbeaten. They beat their French counterparts 95:78 in todays last match of the group stage of the EuroBasket championship in Helsinki.

Arriva bus and coach drivers started their strike today

Radio Si Arriva bus and coach drivers started their strike today


Bus drivers of the Arriva group started their strike today. Discontent had been boiling over since last month. Last night, talks with the management collapsed.

Trafficwise we're in for a very busy weekend

Radio Si Trafficwise we're in for a very busy weekend


Significant congestion is expected on Slovenian roads today and tomorrow, especially on ones headed from Austria and Italy to the borders with Croatia and Hungary.

Unexploded 250kg bomb to be deactivated tomorrow morning

Radio Si Unexploded 250kg bomb to be deactivated tomorrow morning


The procedure for the deactivation of the unexploded World War II bomb will get underway in the village of Vurberk in the north-east of the country tomorrow morning.

Novo mesto waste facility fire all but extinguished

Radio Si Novo mesto waste facility fire all but extinguished


The fire that broke out at the waste processing facility near Novo mesto on Thursday afternoon has been under control since yesterday.

Three bear cubs run-over on the A1 highway

Radio Si Three bear cubs run-over on the A1 highway


Three run-over bear cubs were fund on the A1 highway between the tunnel Ločica and the toll station Vransko this morning.

Protests continue after G20 meeting in Hamburg

Radio Si Protests continue after G20 meeting in Hamburg


The final demonstrations on Saturday were held under the title Borderless solidarity instead of G20. Police said 50.000 participants joind the peaceful protest.

Kobarid celebrates 100 years of Isonzo front

Radio Si Kobarid celebrates 100 years of Isonzo front


6 Military orchestras from Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Austria and Germany will give a concert tonight in Kobarid.

Art Stays festival kicking off in Ptuj today

Radio Si Art Stays festival kicking off in Ptuj today


The Art Stays festival of contemporary art is kicking off in Ptuj today.

Police seize 10kg of cocaine by pure chance

Radio Si Police seize 10kg of cocaine by pure chance


Police today said it seized 10kg of cocaine estimated to be worth around half a million euros by pure chance in Levec, near Celje, on Friday.

Zapeljivec will transport tourists and locals around Ptuj for free

Radio Si Zapeljivec will transport tourists and locals around Ptuj for free


The northeastern town of Ptuj now has a new, electric powered vehicle named Zapeljivec.

President Borut Pahor on official visit to Montenegro

Radio Si President Borut Pahor on official visit to Montenegro


President Borut Pahor took part in a conference titled To Be Secure in Montenegro's Budva today.

Parlament bestätigt das Gesetzt über das zweite Bahngleis

Radio Si Parlament bestätigt das Gesetzt über das zweite Bahngleis


Die Abgeordneten kamen heute zu einer außerordentlichen Sitzung zusammen, wo sie nach dem Veto des Staatsrats heute erneut über das Gesetz zum Ausbau des zweiten Bahngleises der Strecke zwischen dem ...

Wings for Life Lauf in Slowenien

Radio Si Wings for Life Lauf in Slowenien


In der slowenischen Hauptstadt Ljubljana fand heute bereits zum 4. Mal der Lauf Wings for Life statt.

NK Maribor gewinnt Fußballmeisterschaft

Radio Si NK Maribor gewinnt Fußballmeisterschaft


Die Fußballer des NK Maribor sind die neuen Fußballmeister Sloweniens. Sie sicherten sich die Meisterschaft bereits 4 Spieltage vor dem Ende der Saison.

Eishockey WM: die Schweiz besiegt Slowenien

Radio Si Eishockey WM: die Schweiz besiegt Slowenien


Die slowenischen Eishockey Spieler haben bei der WM in Paris nach mehreren Strafschüssen das erste Spiel gegen die Schweiz verloren. Das Schweizer Team gewann mit 5:4.

Belgian Prime Minister in Slovenia

Radio Si Belgian Prime Minister in Slovenia


Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel was on a visit to Slovenia today.

Moodys hebt Bonität der drei wichtigsten Banken Sloweniens an

Radio Si Moodys hebt Bonität der drei wichtigsten Banken Sloweniens an


Die Ratingagentur Moody's hat die Bonität der drei größten slowenischen Banken, der NLB, der NKBM und der Abanka leicht angehoben.

Jugend spricht prekäre Arbeit und Wohnprobleme an

Radio Si Jugend spricht prekäre Arbeit und Wohnprobleme an


Vertreter der slowenischen Jugend kamen heute in Ljubljana mit Regierungsvertretern zu einer Beratungsrunde zusammen.

Government wants to improve the status of young people

Radio Si Government wants to improve the status of young people


The Slovenian government and representatives of youth organisations meet today. The aim of such meetings is to improve the status of young people.

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