As of today, people ordered to quarantine can enter Slovenia at any border crossing with Croatia. Interior Minister Aleš Hojs said that the whole process shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes.

He said that after arriving at the border crossing, a police officer will scan your ID, immediately after which a pre-prepared quarantine order will be generated. The order will then be automatically forwarded to the Ministry of Health, where an authorized person will sign it and in the shortest possible time send it back to the border crossing where you entered. There, you will be served the order by a police officer.

Under the new decree, police officers will be the ones who will be serving the quarantine orders on the border as well as inland.

If a person regardless of their citizenship enters Slovenia coming from one of the countries on its Covid-19 red list, they are put in a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Exemptions do apply in certain cases.

Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo