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Rezultati iskanja
Life is returning to the mountain pastures in the Bohinj area. Quite a lot of young people decide to spend their summers in the mountains, where they make cheese and offer local produce to hikers. Creating new jobs is one of the main priorities of the Alpine Region.
V avstrijskem biosfernem parku Nockberge, ki se uvršča tudi v Unescovo dediščino, so se krajevni kmetje pred 20 leti združili ter ustanovili predelovalnico in prodajalno mesa Nockfleisch. Projekt je kot model spodbúdil ustanovitev moderne zadružne sirarni Kaslab’n, v kateri pridelujejo izdelke iz ekološkega senenega mleka. Povezovanje rejcev mleka v zadruge je primer dobre prakse, ki prebivalcem biosfernega območja Nockberge prinaša nova delovna mesta, trajnostno gospodarjenje in vrhunsko kakovost mlečnih izdelkov, ki jih lahko prodajajo brez posrednikov.
The Nockberge Biosphere Reserve offers a lot of room for various entrepreneurial ideas. Farmers from this Alpine area have created their own meat trademark, going back 20 years, while young people now work together to develop a trademark for hay milk and dairy produce.
Hiša solidarnosti je nastala kot projekt alpskega mesteca Brixen, s katerim so od leta 2002 pomagali več kot 150 ljudem v težavah, od brezdomcev do migrantov in otrok s težavami v družini. Danes v hiši živijo tudi begunci iz Afganistana, Gane, Malija, Sirije; nekateri so si že našli delo in si ustvarjajo novo življenje, drugi pomagajo pri najrazličnejših opravilih, od kuhanja do popravil koles. Hiša solidarnosti se financira iz prispevkov njenih prebivalcev, z donacijami in tudi prirejanjem dogodkov, kot je večerja z ganskimi jedmi, ki se je udeležijo prebivalci Brixna. Kot pravi vodja projekta Alexander, bi morali imeti hiše solidarnosti v vsakem mestu.
The Alpine Region is open for projects aimed at integrating other cultures. The House of Solidarity is open to people with diverse backgrounds, from migrants to the unemployed. With different activities, they all enable this social project to fund itself.
Brixen, mestece s 500 tisoč prebivalci na Južnem Tirolskem, je postalo evropska alpska prestolnica 2018. Kljub številnim turistom mestece živi tudi zaradi krajevnega prebivalstva, ki je tesno povezano z različnimi projekti alpske prestolnice. Brixen ali Bressanone je tudi stičišče različnih kultur, germanske in romanske, kar se izraža tudi v kulinariki. Alpska prestolnica se ponaša z daljinskim ogrevanjem na biomaso in projekti mobilnosti, mestni avtobus pa je v letu dni prepeljal že milijon potnikov. Mestece je tesno povezano tudi z alpskim svetom, ki ga obkroža.
The Italian town of Bressanone or Brixen is the 2018 Alpine Capital. The town actively connects its inhabitants and people living in its environs, and contributes to the creation of jobs. One of the town's priorities is sustainable mobility. The town's bus is used by a million passengers annually.
Mesto Dunaj je zgled okolju prijazne mobilnosti za vsa evropska mesta in je zato prejelo nagrado Evropske komisije za posebne dosežke. Bogate izkušnje, ki jih imajo na Dunaju z urejanjem javnega prevoza in dostopnosti uporabljajo tudi zdaj, ko na obrobju mesta gradijo Aspern Seestadt, mesto v mestu, veliko 240 hektarjev. To je eden največjih evropskih projektov urbanega razvoja, nekakšen evropski laboratorij oz. vzorčni primer za zeleni razvoj mest. Primer, kako se na novo gradi del mesta z vsemi inovativnimi koncepti in idejami prihodnosti, ki zagotavljajo mobilnost in visoko kakovost življenja. Številni projekti so izpeljani s pomočjo evropskih sredstev in bodo koristni tudi za druga evropska mesta.
Aspern Seestadt on the outskirts of Vienna is an urban development project, a European lab for green cities in Europe.
Due to climate change, floods have become more frequent. The city of Vienna has developed good flood control methods. This project is an example of good practice on the Danube.
Macro regions, including the Danube Region, present great opportunities for young people, who can create jobs in their local environments by creating different projects and ideas.
The Danube is an important transport route, although it still has to cope with numerous obstacles due to various interests. The Vienna port is a fine example of good practice, a showcase of connecting the river with other transport routes.
Eurovèlo 6, a cycle route along the Iron Curtain, which used to divide Eastern and Western Europe, is a 10,000 kilometres long cycle route, stretching from the Barents to the Black Sea.
River sediment represents a big problem. In the Danube Region, it is tackled under the auspices of the Seddon project. The results are available to all countries within the Danube Region.
There are numerous nature reserves along the Danube. They are all connected together, and are attempting to preserve the biodiversity within the area. Kopački Rit Nature Park is one of them.
Drought is a common phenomenon in the Danube Region. This was an incentive for 22 partners from the Danube region to begin to work together on the DriDanube project.
Sterlets are a sturgeon species, which have been pushed to the brink of extinction. Nevertheless, a fishery within the LifeSterlet project on the Vienna Danube Island on the river Danube has started to farm the sterlets and to reintroduce them back into the Danube.
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