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Slovenian magazine • oddaje

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Sečoveljske soline so zavarovane kot krajinski park in mednarodno pomembno mokrišče. V arboretumu Volčji Potok je največji slovenski rozarij. Jelka Godec Schmidt je odlična ilustratorka in otroška pisateljica. Tomaž Zwitter pa je mednarodno priznan raziskovalec vesolja, profesor astronomije, astrofizike in kozmologije. Pašna planina Kofce je ena najbolj priljubljenih planin v zahodnih Karavankah.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenj Gradec, edino slovensko mesto, ki so mu ZN podelili naziv »Mesto miru«, praznuje 750. letnico podelitve mestnih pravic. Letos mineva tudi 90 let obročkanja ptic v Sloveniji. Sv. Peter je slikovita stara vasica v notranjosti Istre. Oddaja predstavlja še glasbeno-dobrodelni projekt bobnarja Marka Soršaka-Sokija in razgledni stolp Vinarium v vinorodnih Lendavskih goricah. 750th ANNIVERSARY OF SLOVENJ GRADEC Slovenj Gradec, the administrative, economic and cultural centre of the Koroška region is celebrating the 750th anniversary of being granted the town privileges. The old town centre has retained its medieval image, which makes it an invaluable urban monument. Slovenj Gradec is also the only Slovenian town to bear the name UN Messenger of Peace. BIRD RINGING Bird ringing has an important role in studies related to bird migration patterns and their lifestyle. The Slovenian centre for bird ringing has been operating for 90 years and the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, under which the centre operates, has set up a special exhibition to mark this occasion. In Slovenia, about 100,000 birds are fitted with rings each year. THE VILLAGE OF SVETI PETER In the interior of the Istrian peninsula, in the hinterland bridging the coastal area, there are dispersed charming hills, full of olive trees, vineyards and picturesque villages, which gives the impression that time has simply stopped. The village of Sveti Peter, which is situated on a hill just above the Dragonja River Valley, displays a rich cultural tradition. MUSIC AND CHARITY PROJECT Judging from certain surveys, the people of Slovenia are a very charitable nation. Some years ago, Marko Soršak-Soki, a member of the Elvis Jackson band, embarked on an exciting charity project. On the 20th anniversary of his drumming career, he decided to donate music instruments to elementary schools to make children happy and allow them to become engaged in music. THE VINARIUM TOWER Two years ago, the highest lookout tower in the country was built in the Lendava wine-producing hills, situated in the north-easternmost part of Slovenia. The tower, which is situated on the easternmost wine road of Slovenia and from which vistas extend to four countries, has become a real tourist attraction.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Sevnica ni le domači kraj nove prve dame ZDA Melanie Trump, ampak tudi mesto z dolgo zgodovino. Vrhunski oblikovalec Gregor Likar soustvarja uspešno zgodbo Steklarne Hrastnik. Sandi Murovec pa je priznani smučarski demonstrator in inovator. Ladina Korbar izdeluje čudovite glinene figurice slovenskih ljudskih noš. Muzej iluzij v Ljubljani se poigrava z našimi zaznavami resničnosti. SEVNICA Sevnica – a small town in Eastern Slovenia with a population of about 5,000 – has lately become one of the most sought out places in Slovenian, as it is the hometown of the new First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump. Despite its recent popularity in the news, Sevnica is an old town that began to develop in the 14th century at the foot of a picturesque medieval castle, which has been almost entirely renovated over the last few decades. GREGA LIKAR AND THE HRASTNIK GLASSWORKS Slovenia takes pride in its long and diverse tradition of glass-making. Its oldest glassworks, located in Hrastnik, was built in 1860. Over the last decade, the Hrastnik Glassworks has grown to become a world-renowned producer of glass packaging, glassware and lighting. Its glass is known as the hardest and one of the purest in the world. The success story of the Hrastnik Glassworks has been given an added value by the technological and aesthetic innovations of designer Grega Likar. SANDI MUROVEC Sandi Murovec – Muri is a highly respected skiing demonstrator, designer of the Slovenian Olympic gear, and an innovator who developed a new technique of ski-training through gradually extending the length of the skis. He has also collaborated with Tina Maze, Slovenia’s best Alpine skier, Olympic champion, and Crystal Globe recipient. Together, they recently made “7 to Heaven”, a film revealing the seven secrets to Tina’s success. CLAY FIGURINES AND TRADITIONAL DRESS For almost two decades, Ladina Korbar has been making stunning clay figurines, presenting the traditional folk costumes of all the Slovenian regions from the 15th century up till now. In her work, she strictly follows all the pictorial and written sources available. MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS We end today’s show with a look at the Museum of Illusions, which is a new addition to the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. It is both fun and educational, and can lend a whole new view of the world to those who keep their minds open.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Samostan sv. Frančiška v Piranu je eden najstarejših minoritskih samostanov na slovenskih tleh. Cerkev na Javorci, izjemen spomenik 1. svetove vojne, praznuje letos 100 -letnico. Slovenski planinski muzej je imeniten hram slovenske planinske dediščine. Slovensko, predvsem pa Gorenjsko etnološko dediščino pa oživlja rokodelska delavnica Kosmač v Tržiču. Oddaja prinaša še utrinke jesenskega Krasa in njegovih dobrot.

Slovenian magazine Slovenian magazine


Slovenian Magazine is a mosaic, a 25-minute show in English and German. It presents current events in Slovenia, its cultural and historical heritage, attractive features of the landscape, and the country’s economic and tourist potential. It places great stress on original Slovenian creativity. Slovenian Magazine is mainly intended for foreign countries, as well as for Slovenians living around the world. Slovenian Magazine is a fortnightly show broadcast on TV Slovenija 1, every other Saturday at 17.35 on TV Slovenija 1. German and English language versions alternate in the broadcasting schedule, both with Slovenian subtitles. European viewers can also watch the show over a satellite that carries the TV Slovenija signal. RTV Slovenija is available on the Satellite: Eutelsat 16A 16 degrees East,10721 MHz, coding system (FEC): 3/4 The English version is on Channel 25 WNYE in New York every first and third Sunday at 2.00 p.m. The show is also broadcast in Italian by Koper Capodistria, while individual topics appear on Euronews as well. The German version is on 3 SAT every other Wednesday.

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