Tomorrow is Statehood Day in Slovenia. 32 years ago, the Slovenian state was proclaimed on the Square of the Republic. Tonight, the main festivity is taking place at Congress Square in Ljubljana.
The main speaker is State president Nataša Pirc Musar who will also inspect the Guard of Honour.
Among the guests on the red carpet are prime minister Golob, Parliament speaker Urša Klakočar Zupančič. Part of the political forum will not attend.
The artistic program titled “Before tomorrow’s dawn” is set around the climate and environment crisis, as well as on thoughts on the relationship between nature and statehood. The concept comes from director and set designer Matej Filipčič.

Major General Robert Glavaš, chief of the general staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF), was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general by President Nataša Pirc Musar.

24. junij 2023 Nataša Pirc Musar je povišala načelnika generalštaba Slovenske vojske generalmajorja Roberta Glavaša v čin generalpodpolkovnik Foto: BoBo
24. junij 2023 Nataša Pirc Musar je povišala načelnika generalštaba Slovenske vojske generalmajorja Roberta Glavaša v čin generalpodpolkovnik Foto: BoBo

The promotion comes at a time of a demanding international situation which calls for multiple and wise adjustments, stated Pirc Musar and continued that the armed forces will receive more funds in the coming period to invest and develop,