Letošnja evropska naravoslovna olimpijada (The European Union Science Olympiad - EUSO), ki se je začela 28. aprila, je bila 16. po vrsti in je prvič prišla v Slovenijo. Foto: EPA
Letošnja evropska naravoslovna olimpijada (The European Union Science Olympiad - EUSO), ki se je začela 28. aprila, je bila 16. po vrsti in je prvič prišla v Slovenijo. Foto: EPA

A meeting of the Visegrad Group and Balkan countries took place in Sounion, Greece.

The Slovenian Foreign Ministry pointed to the timely start of talks with Macedonia and Albania, and the opening and closing of negotiation chapters with Montenegro and Serbia.

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker previously suggested the year 2025, as the year of accession for Serbia and Montenegro into the EU.