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Rezultati iskanja

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MMC RTV 365 Radio Televizija mojRTV × Menu
10.01.2022 7 min

STUDY ABROAD: Jakub speaks almost fluent Slovene after spending only three months in Ljubljana (10.01.2022)

It is, however true that he already spoke two other Slavic languages before coming to Slovenia. Jakub comes from Poland and had also learned Serbian during his exchange in Serbia. He chose to play Šuštarski most by Majda Sepe.

Study abroad

214 epizod

We take a peek into the lives of foreign students living in Slovenia. Did they come to party, study or just shake up their everyday lives? What makes these young people tick and what do they think about the country they've come to? Listen to the challenges they face and what they miss from home. Has this experience changed them? Are they considering staying here? Every Monday at 11:25 only on Radio Si. Do you want to share your experience? Just write to pr@radiosi.eu and maybe you are our next guest.

10.01.2022 7 min

STUDY ABROAD: Jakub speaks almost fluent Slovene after spending only three months in Ljubljana (10.01.2022)

It is, however true that he already spoke two other Slavic languages before coming to Slovenia. Jakub comes from Poland and had also learned Serbian during his exchange in Serbia. He chose to play Šuštarski most by Majda Sepe.

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